5 Types Of Eye Contacts That Have The Strength To Build Relations

YOGYAKARTA Eye contact requires confidence and seems also convinced by honesty. The reason is, excessive eye contact is often made by someone to appear more honest. But intimate eye contact leads to threats. According to a number of studies, here are the types of eye contact and payloads that have strength, positives can be used to build relationships.

Of course it's not fun when someone approaches with a smile but not sincere. According to psychologist Paul Ekman, a sincere smile followed by the movement of the eye makes the lines and eyes narrow. The lines of the cheeks also look more computational than a fake smile, which looks ingrained to the heart.

When we are interested in someone's parents, our pupils will enlarge. According to research reported by Psycchology Today, Sunday, August 18, the eyes of a woman in a photo are changed so that her pupils look bigger. The photo is considered more attractive than a photo of a woman with a normal size pupil.

Research is done on interest and love. The study found that two people who had eye contact and looked at each other, was a good predictor that the person fell in love.

Eye contact directly leads to a person's eyes, which can cause a passion reaction. However, such arousal can be interpreted differently depending on the parties involved and the situation that surrounds both of them. For example, when viewed by strangers can be interpreted as a threat and cause a response to fear. In contrast to the two people who are paired, staring at each other causes passion in a positive sense, such as sexual arousal.

Many people think the most honest eyes imply certain intentions. However, according to research, the nonverbal signal related to fraud shows that a liar makes more eye contact than someone who tells the truth. The fraudster will try hard to convince and overestimate eye contact to make it appear honest.

Those are the types of eye contact and the implied content. Types of eye contact in a positive sense, can build relationships. Even for couples, it can get closer emotionally. But for other intentions, for example, to cheat, you still need to be vigilant and be aware of the situation and context in eye contact.