The Deputy Minister Of Home Affairs Invites Border Communities To Increase The Economy

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Home Affairs John Wempi Wetipo invites people in border areas to improve the economy by utilizing the various facilities that have been built.

"Let us invite the public if the facilities have been well built, we will revive the economy in the border area. So our enthusiasm is the age of 79th independence that not only (filled with) ceremonial activities, but the content of independence with a massively prosperous economy, especially in border areas," Wempi said in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday.

This was conveyed by Wempi after he became inspector of the commemoration ceremony of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia at the Cross-Border Post Market (PLBN) in Entikong District, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan, Saturday.

Of all the economic supporting facilities that have been built, he emphasized that there are still several important facilities that must be considered, one of which is related to banking.

He said that currently there are only a few banks that reach the Entikong PLBN area so that the circulation of the rupiah currency is not going well.

"I also heard that the transaction still uses Malaysian ringgit money, but also rupiah and in the future how to improve the quality of governance in utilizing rupiah money more and more," he said.

The use of transactions using rupiah currency, continued Wempi, is an important factor because rupiah is a form of Indonesian identity.

Therefore, he asked various parties to find a joint solution so that foreigners who want to transact at the border continue to use the rupiah currency.

"In the future, how to improve the quality of rupiah currency utilization, there will be more so that brothers and sisters from outside transactions here are also carried out using rupiah because that is the transaction of our nation's identity," said Wempi.

Not only related to the rupiah, Wempi hopes that in the future PLBN management can be maximized, both from human resources and services, so that it has an impact on the economy of the surrounding community.

"We can maximize approximately 15 PLBN and manage well for the welfare of border human resources, both from BNPP, as well as from immigration, quarantine, we can do it holistically together to build stronger border area management in the future," he concluded.