Puan Maharani Uses The Red Kartini Kebaya During The 79th RI Anniversary Ceremony For The Emancipation Symbol

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, used a red-streamed Kartini model kebaya while attending the commemoration ceremony of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day in the capital city of Nusantara, Kalimantan today, Saturday, August 17. He is in charge of reading the text of the proclamation.

He said the kebaya he used was inspired by the Indonesian flag. The red color symbolizes the harmony of the archipelago.

As for this moment of independence, Puan also highlighted the issue of women. The chairman of the PDIP DPP specifically emphasized the importance of equality between women and men as in his speech at the 2024 DPR-DPD RI Joint Session on Friday, August 16 yesterday.

"Inclusive development also provides space for women in development," said Puan at the time.

According to him, women's participation is not an affirmative form. All should be aware that gender equality is needed in developing the nation and state.

Currently, there are still many ways of thinking like this: The happiness of man is: I will. The happiness of woman is: he wills. So as if there is only: His-story, there is no 'Her-story'. This way of thinking and attitude must be changed," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Equality between men and women is not based on hatred for men. However, on the awareness that human dignity is the same, both male and female; both white and black skin; both straight hair and curly hair; human dignity is the same," added Puan.

Even so, this equality must also prioritize each other's nature. However, the rights of women and men should not be distinguished, including those related to public office.

"Come on, Indonesian women, show that we are great women!" said Puan, greeted by a standing opportunity from the participants of the Joint Session.