KPK Inaugurates 12 Primary High Leadership Officials

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) inaugurated 12 high-ranking Pratama officials who were transferred to various positions. They were appointed by the Secretary General of the KPK Cahya Hardianto Harefa as the KPK Personnel Guidance Officer (PPK).
Those who were sworn in on Friday, August 16, namely the Head of the Isnaini Finance Bureau; Head of the General Bureau of Tomi Murtomo; Director of Coordination and Supervision Region I Agung Yudha Wibowo; Director of Coordination and Supervision Region II Bahtiar Ujang Purnama; Director of Coordination and Supervision Region III Ely Kusumastuti; Director of Coordination and Supervision Region IV Edi Suryanto; Monitoring Director Aida Ratna Zulaiha; and Director of Gratification and Public Services Arif Waluyo Widiarto.
Then there is also the Director of Public Reports and Complaints Budi Waluya; Director of Education Network Dian Novianthi; Director of Registration and Examination of State Administrators Wealth Reports, Herda Helmijaya; and Director of Anti-Corruption Education and Training Yonathan Demme Tangdilintin.
Cahya asked them to lead and motivate employees to their respective work units.
"The task of brothers and sisters also directs movement to achieve organizational targets or goals through their work units, as well as collaborate and synergize with units or other parties in supporting and overseeing the success of the KPK's work program," said Cahya.
They are expected to carefully observe the KPK Strategic Map that has been set. That way the targets that have not been achieved can be realized.
"Remember that every attitude and action of us will have its own consequences both for ourselves and the organization, therefore avoid various forms of deviation and become an example for the work environment and its surroundings," he said.
In this activity, he was present as a witness for Deputy Chairmen of the KPK Alexander Marwata and Nurul Ghufron; Member of the Supervisory Board (Dewas) Albertina Ho, Syamsuddin Haris, and Indriyanto Seno Adji.
Then there is also Deputy for Education and Community Participation Wawan Wardiana, Deputy for Information and Data Eko Marjono, Assistant for Human Resources of the SDya TK II Police SSDM Polri Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Arif Fajarudin, Head of the General Section at the Personnel Bureau of the Prosecutor's Office Eko Riendra Wiranto, and other KPK structural officials.