Criticism Of Democracy Today, Puan's Speech Is Considered To Represent Public Cry

JAKARTA - The speech of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, during the Joint Session of the DPR and the DPR RI, received a lot of praise. Read in front of the Presidents and state guests who attended, Puan criticized today's democracy for not running well.

"What Puan said represents the aspirations of the people who feel democracy is increasingly stagnant today. For example, Puan emphasized that democracy must provide the widest possible space for civil society to express opinions and criticism," said Political Communication Observer from the Nusakom Pratama Political Communication Study Institute, Ari Junaedi, Friday, August 16.

According to Ari, what Puan said is very relevant to the declining democracy index, as reported by many democratic observers. Puan's emphasis on civil liberties as one of the main indicators of democracy is also appropriate.

"In democracy, civil liberties must be upheld. If people are afraid to voice their opinions and the press is afraid to criticize the government, it means that there is something wrong with today's democracy. It must be admitted, our democracy is not doing well at this time," said Ari.

Based on Freedom House data, Indonesia's democracy index fell from 62 points in 2019 to 53 points in 2023. Data Reporters Without Borders (RSF) also showed a decline in Indonesia's press freedom score, from 63.23 points in 2019 to 54.83 points in 2023.

Ari said, Puan's appeal for the elites to carry out politics with values is important at a time when politics today is increasingly transactional. Our democracy is in an alarming tubir.

"Because it is actually politics or the tools of struggle of many people. If it is only controlled by a handful of elites, for example in the current election nomination, what exists is interelite transactions for their own interests, not the interests of the people they represent," said Ari.

As reported, in the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD in 2024, Puan emphasized that political struggles should be followed by national and state values that do not contain the interests of themselves and groups.

He emphasized the essence of democracy to provide a way for power to gain its legitimacy so that power can be used to regulate the nation and state in giving its people a prosperous life according to their dignity and dignity.

"However, democracy can also run in the wrong direction, namely democracy that does not carry out people's sovereignty," said Puan.

Puan reminded that the Indonesian Constitution has placed the basic principle of democracy, namely that sovereignty is in the hands of the people, that Indonesia is a state of law and all citizens share their position in the law.

"Our constitution has regulated how people's sovereignty must be carried out collectively with the principles of checks and balances in the branches of executive, legislative and judicial state," he said.

Puan stated that the balance of power between branches of state power is executive, legislative and judicial. The balance of power between branches of executive, legislative and judicial rule can run well if the politics of the nation and state takes place democratically, namely democratic democracy led by wisdom in deliberation/representation.

"The wisdom of wisdom is a realization of the importance of values in the nation and state," explained Puan.

Therefore, the politics of the nation and state is carried out by upholding civilized, dignified, and ethical values. That way, said Puan, political struggles have the meaning of building civilization. "If politics is carried out without values, then the political struggle only contains the interests of yourself, groups, or groups," said the first woman who served as Chair of the DPR RI.