Indonesian Citizens Arrested In Myanmar Are Called Asked For Money Every Two Days

JAKARTA - Suhendri Ardiansyah (27), a victim of a criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO), is said to always be asked for money by the perpetrators every two days. The money is a condition to be released.

This was conveyed by Yohanna Apriliani, who is Suhendri's cousin after undergoing an examination at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Friday, August 16.

"He said to relieve him so he wouldn't be tortured every day. On Wednesday, he was still asked to send money. Because no money came in, he got hit, he said that," Yohana told reporters.

"Maybe the thoughts of the people there are 30,000 dollars, maybe it's family, because it's big, so ask for a little bit of him," he continued.

Based on information obtained by the family from the results of communication, Hendri was locked up in the toilet. The perpetrators will take him to another room when tortured.

Yohana said that the form of torture experienced by her cousin was like being hit with a baseball bat.

"Taken to a room containing 7-8 soldiers and several bosses, he said. He was hit there, handcuffed, his hands were covered with plastic bags and his feet were beaten with baseball sticks," said Yohanna. In fact, the result of continuous torture caused Suhendri's feet to feel numb.

"So from the waist down he was beaten, until he said his feet were like numb. Really his feet were like that, it didn't feel anything," he said.

This condition is also said to have been reported to the Criminal Investigation Unit during the examination process.

Hendri alias Suhendri is a resident of Petukangan, Pesanggarahan, South Jakarta who is suspected of being a victim of TIP in Myanmar.

Suhendri's family has asked for help by reporting to Polda Metro Jaya, Bareskrim Polri, BP2MI and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu). However, until now there has been no bright spot to save Hendri from confinement and torture in Myanmar.