KPU Members Can Also Be Convicted In The Aftermath Of Profiting Citizens' NIKs As Supporters Of Dharma-Kun Wardana

JAKARTA - The public has been shocked by the alleged unilateral profiteering of the population identification number (NIK) of a number of residents who are supporters of the prospective pair of candidates for the Governor-Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta for the individual route, Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana.

The electoral expert Titi Anggrain said there was a criminal threat for members of the General Elections Commission (KPU) who took care of the factual verification process for supporting independent candidate pairs.

"Election organizers who are proven not to have verified the support of individual candidates are also threatened with imprisonment and fines as stipulated in the Pilkada Law," Titi said when contacted, Friday, August 16.

In Article 185A of Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors, it is stated that everyone who deliberately falsifies a list of supports for individual candidates is sentenced to a minimum imprisonment of 36 months and a maximum of 72 months, and a fine of at least Rp. 36 million and a maximum of Rp. 72 million. This article could ensnare Dharma-Kun.

Meanwhile, in the event that the criminal act of counterfeiting the list of supports is carried out by election organizers, in this case the KPU ranks, can be punished with the same punishment as adding a third of the maximum criminal threat.

On the one hand, there are also criminal threats for KPU members who neglect to carry out their duties in processing the stages of individual regional head candidates.

Article 186 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 2015 also states that PPS members, PPK members, Regency/City KPU members, and provincial KPU members who deliberately do not verify and recapitulate individual candidates, will be sentenced to a minimum imprisonment of 36 months and a maximum of 72 months, and a fine of at least Rp36 million and a maximum of Rp72 million.

The DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) announced that the Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana pair passed the results of the second factual verification on the condition of support to register as Jakarta cagub-cawagub.

Dharma-Kun is said to have the support of 677,486 residents who have been declared by the KPU to meet the requirements. Their number of supporters exceeds the minimum limit of the Jakarta cagub-cawagub support requirements for individual routes of 618,968 people.

Chairman of the DKI Jakarta KPU Wahyu Dinata said that Dharma-Kun was declared eligible to register as a candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of DKI Jakarta on an independent path.

"Pak Dharma Pongrekun dan Kun Wardana memenuhi syarat sebagai bakal pasangan calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur untuk 27 November mendatang," kata Wahyu di Kantor KPU DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis, 15 Agustus.

The day after the announcement, a number of people admitted that their NIK was used as a supporter of Dharma-Kun. This was revealed on social media after they checked their NIK on the page

In fact, former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan admitted that his family and relatives were also recognized by his NIK. In fact, they were never asked to support the individual path pair. Also, never submitted his ID card as a form of support to the Dharma-Kun Wardana team.

"Alhamdulillah, my ID card is safe. But the ID cards of two children, younger siblings, as well as some of the teams working together were also included in the list of supporters of independent candidates," Anies explained in the account X @aniesbaswedan.