CPNS Registration Opened August 20 With 250,407 Formations

JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said that the recruitment of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) will begin on August 20 to September 6, 2024.

Saat pendaftaran resmi dibuka, calon pelamar nantinya dapat melakukan pendaftaran melalui laman https://sscasn.bkn.go.id. Pemerintah menyediakan 250.407 formasi CPNS.

This year there are 250,407 formations that we provide for new talents who graduated from the best tertiary (fresh graduate). This formation is divided for central agencies 114,706 and regional agencies 135,701," said Anas in his statement in Jakarta, Friday, August 16.

In the near future, the government will also open a recruitment of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) to complete the arrangement of non-ASN (honorary) personnel which is currently in the verification process.

According to him, the opportunity to become a state servant is wide open for the nation's best sons and daughters. Therefore, before registration begins, prospective applicants are advised to prepare themselves by observing the requirements and procedures for registering CPNS 2024.

Anas said prospective applicants were asked to actively seek information from trusted sources such as websites and official social media belonging to the Ministry of PANRB, the State Civil Service Agency (BKN), and government agencies that would open CPNS recruitment.

He added that the 2024 CPNS procurement was not only to meet the needs of civil servants, but also Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).

"Gradually, PPPK recruitment will be opened to continue the arrangement of non-ASN or honorary staff in 2024, which is currently in the process of verification and validation. We will immediately announce it for PPPK recruitment if the verification and validation process is complete," he said.

The Ministry of PANRB has issued a policy for the Procurement of Civil Servants for Fiscal Year 2024 through the Decree of the Minister of PANRB No. 320/2024 concerning the Selection Mechanism for the Procurement of Civil Servants for TA 2024 and KepmenPANRB No. 321/2024 concerning the Ambang Value of the 2024 TA Civil Servant Procurement Basic Competency Selection.

The type of need for the 2024 Civil Servant Procurement consists of General Needs and special needs.

Special needs are for people with disabilities, cum laude, diaspora, Papuan sons/daughters, children/daughters of Kalimantan, as well as the sons/i areas of 3T (Front, Remote and Disadvantaged).

"For fresh graduates, we have an opportunity that is greater than the previous year, because this year the number of CPNS recruitments is relatively greater than before," explained Anas.

Based on the Letter of the Acting Head of BKN 5419/B-KS.04.01/SD/K/2024 regarding the Selection Schedule for the 2024 CPNS Procurement, the selection announcement was made by each government agency on 19 August '2 September 2024.

Sementara untuk pendaftarannya, dimulai pada 20 Agustus–6 September 2024. Jadwal seleksi ini dapat diunduh melalui https://www.bkn.go.id/unggahan/2024/08/S-Instansi-Jadwal-Seleksi-CPNS-Tahun-2024-1.pdf .

Anas emphasized that in the implementation of CPNS recruitment, it is certain that there will be no loopholes for fraud.

All stages of CPNS selection ranging from registration, the implementation of selection with CAT, to determination of graduation, have been integrated and computerized.

"Selection stages like this close the gaps for fraud and brokery practices. So none of the parties can help with graduation except for the participants themselves," he concluded.