Jokowi Opens Up Hundreds Of Trillions Sudah Dikucurkan Untuk Dongkrak Ekonomi Masyarakat Bawah

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed the achievement of his government for 10 years. One of them is about the disbursement of hundreds of trillions of funds used to boost the economy of the lower class.

Jokowi said that protection for the lower economic community has provided broad benefits for the community. He also detailed, ranging from health assistance to improving the quality of Indonesian workers.

He said the Rp361 trillion budget had been shifted to the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) program which was disbursed in the last 10 years.

"Rp361 trillion for the 10-year Healthy Indonesia Card budget has been used to finance health services of more than 92 million JKN participants per year, from an early age to the elderly spread throughout Indonesia," said Jokowi in a State Speech during the MPR Annual Session and the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD, in Jakarta, Friday, August 16.

Funds are Rp113 trillion, he continued, it has also been allocated for the Smart Indonesia Card budget for 10 years. The funds are for education of more than 20 million students per year. Starting from elementary school (SD) to high school or vocational schools throughout Indonesia.

Then, there is also a budget of IDR 225 trillion for the Family Hope Program (PKH) which targets 10 million underprivileged families.

"Rp225 trillion in the Family Hope Program budget for 10 years has been used to improve the economy of around 10 million underprivileged families per year," he explained.

Jokowi also hopes that the Pre-Employment Card program, which in 5 years has absorbed a budget of IDR 60.3 trillion. He said the program was used to increase the expertise of 18.8 million workers.

"Rp60.3 trillion in the Pre-Employment budget for 5 years has been used to increase the expertise of 18.8 million workers spread throughout Indonesia," said Jokowi.

Furthermore, Jokowi said, all developments in the last 10 years have become a form of the government providing benefits to the community. He said this development had touched all levels of society

This is a development that we aspire to together. Development that touches all levels of society. Development that has an impact on the wider community. Development that opens up opportunities to grow together," he explained.