Welcoming The 79th Independence Day, The Bogor City Government Holds A Joint Prayer
BOGOR - Welcoming the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the Bogor City Government (Pemkot) together with scholars and the community held a joint remembrance and prayer titled 'From the City of Bogor to Indonesia', Thursday 15 August 2024 Acting Mayor (Pj) of Bogor, Hery Antasari said this activity was a joint effort to improve and maintain harmony in religion, as well as ensure the maintenance of harmony in the City of Bogor and Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. More specifically conveyed by Hery, in the next few months the Regional Head Election (pilkada) of 2024. Through this activity, it is hoped that all processes will proceed safely, peacefully, dignifiedly and get good leaders. Zhikr and prayers that we carry out can be used as well as perform to Allah SWT.' May in the City of Bogor and our beloved country there be no disaster, social resilience, avoiding from difficulties and threats and threats as well as the public being encouraged through the NKRI bonds,'' Hery said at the Malam Al Miraj Mosque, Bogor City. He added that, zik and joint prayers must be recognized as a bathiniyah effort or an attempt to knock on the door of the sky with the hope that the aid from Allah SWT can be realized.' Therefore, it is very important if in the momentum of commemorating the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which is 79 of 2024, we all lean on our inner spirituality to Allah SWT, the Almighty God, that the independence of the Indonesian nation, in addition to the results of the struggle of the fighters is also on the blessing of Allah SWT,'' said Hery. In addition, zkir and joint prayers are the moment to close the implementation of Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) The 43rd Level of Bogor City in 2024.
"Congratulations on your success in achieving the best ranking in their respective fields. For participants who have not succeeded in showing achievements, they must continue to train and spur themselves to be able to excel in the same event the following year," said Hery.Register to the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bogor City, Syarifah Sofiah and the ranks of the Bogor City Government.