Hasto Regarding The DJKA Case At The KPK: The Person Who Gotong Royong For The Jokowi-Amin Aspirational House Turns Out To Be A Suspect

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said that the person who helped build the Aspirational House for Joko Widodo (Jokowi)-Ma'ruf Amin volunteers in the 2019 presidential election stumbled on the DJKA bribery case of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

As a result, he as the secretary of the national campaign team (TKN) was then summoned by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

This was conveyed by Hasto before signing the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta today, Thursday, August 16.

"One of those who worked together for the aspiration house behind the day turned out to be a suspect," said Hasto to reporters at the PDIP DPP Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta.

Hasto then said that the Deputy Secretary General of PDIP, Yoseph Aryo Adhi Darmo, had also been worked on by the KPK in the same case. He said, the Head of the Jokowi-Amin National Campaign Team Secretariat was also questioned about the establishment of the Aspiration House.

"Well, the details will be followed up later after giving a statement at the KPK," he said.

Previously reported, the KPK summoned PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in the bribery case of the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA (Kemenhub). He was examined as a witness should be on Friday, July 19.

However, Hasto could not attend because he was scheduled to chair an internal party meeting. Moreover, he did not receive any information about the summons from the driver because he was outside Jakarta.

The bribery case began with a hand arrest operation (OTT) related to allegations of corruption at the Class I Railway Engineering Center for the Central Java Region of the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation. This action was carried out on April 11, 2023.

From the silent operation, the anti-corruption commission then named 10 suspects. Four parties are suspected of being bribers of the Director of PT Istana Putra Agung (IPA) Dion Renato Sugiarto (DIN); Director of PT Dwifarita Fajarkharisma, Muchamad Hikmat (MUH); Director of PT KA Management Properti until February 2023 Yoseph Ibrahim (YOS); and VP of PT KA Management Properti Parjono (PAR).

Meanwhile, those suspected of being recipients are the Director of Railway Infrastructure Harno Trimadi (HNO); Head of the Central Java Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Putu Sumarjaya; Commitment Making Officer (PPK) BTP Central Java Bernard Hasibuan (BEN); PPK BPKA South Sulawesi Achmad Affandi (AFF); PPK for Railway Infrastructure Fadliansyah (FAD); and PPK BTP West Java Synto Pirjani Hutabarat (SYN).

The KPK then announced two new suspects in this case on January 22, 2024. They are Yofi Okatrisza as ASN at the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and former auditor of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Medi Yanto Sipahutar.