Kirk Hammett Calls M72 Metallica's Largest Tour

JAKA3RTA - Metallica is still undergoing the M72 World Tour which is a concert tour for the album studio eleven 72 Seasons which was released on April 14, 2023.

Although the tour has been going on for almost a year and a half, Kirk Hammett (guitar) said that the personnel are still enjoying it. There is no fatigue to go on this world tour.

"It still feels fresh because we only play a few shows in a year. So, I mean, we haven't really performed long enough to feel tired," Hammett said during a recent interview on radio 93X.

"So every time we appear, I always feel familiar, and, like, 'Oh, my mind, I have to get used to the stage again'. But for sure I don't feel tired," he continued.

The 61-year-old guitarist also talked about how the M72 got bigger and there have been some changes in the last few shows.

"Well, like Metallica in general, everything is getting bigger and bigger. So this is clearly the biggest production we've ever shown," he said.

I mean, the stage is in the middle of the stadium and very big. What can I say? There are four drum kits on it. There is a big snake hole. The atmosphere is completely different.

For information, the M72 World Tour began with a show in Amsterdam on April 27, 2023, two weeks after the official album was released.

They have been around Europe and North America for 17 months. And what can't be forgotten from this tour is a show in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on December 14, 2023.

Metallica M72 World Tour still leaves 10 more shows in North America, which includes Minneapolis, Edmonton, Seattle, and Mexico City.