Ministry Of PUPR Targets Renovation Of Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Rampung This Year

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) targets the renovation of the Wisma Atlet in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, to be completed this year.

Secretary General of the Ministry of PUPR Mohammad Zainal Fatah said that his party received an assignment to renovate it to return the function of Wisma Atlet to its original state.

Pasalya, pada masa pandemi bangunan tersebut sempat dijadikan rumah sakit darurat COVID-19.

"So, of course there are emergency hospitals that need to be used (then) there are abrasions or something, like that. We will return to normal," said Zainal when met at the PUPR Ministry Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 14.

Zainal admitted that he did not memorize the total budget disbursed by his party for the repair project.

However, he said, the management status of Wisma Atlet is now the responsibility of the Ministry of State Secretary (Kemensetneg).

"Because land and land management rights (HPL) are the Ministry of State Secretariat," he said.

As for its function, said Zainal, Wisma Atlet which is managed by the Public Service Agency (BLU) of the Ministry of State Affairs is the Kemayoran Complex Management Center (PPK).

Theunaannya bakal dibagi menjadi dua, yakni untuk tujuan komersil serta menjadi rusun Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN).

He said that his party was tasked with preparing for the Wisma Atlet to be good again because of its status as a state asset.

According to Zainal, the renovation work of the building will be completed this year.

"God willing, this year it will be finished," he added.