Surya Paloh: The President Must Consider Carefully About The Reshuffle

Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, said President Joko Widodo must have considered carefully if he was going to reshuffle the cabinet.

"Of course he has considered it carefully. We are still thinking as I said earlier, prioritizing positive thinking. We are clear that the challenges of our national life are not getting smaller and bigger," Paloh said after the Ceremony of Services and Honorary Certificates at the State Palace, Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 14.

Paloh admitted that he did not know the news about the cabinet reshuffle and said that the cabinet reshuffle was the president's prerogative.

"But I don't know that yet, however we know that all of the Presidents have a prerogative for that. Whatever he will do, it is indeed an inherent, prerogative that is owned," he said.

Recently, the issue of cabinet reshuffle has resurfaced. One of the names circulating and affected by the cabinet reshuffle is the Minister of Environment and Forestry who is also a cadre of the NasDem Party, Siti Nurbaya.

Previously, Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat Yusuf Permana emphasized that his party had not heard any news about the cabinet reshuffle.

This was conveyed by Yusuf regarding the circulation of the news that a reshuffle of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet would be carried out in the near future.

"We haven't heard about the reshufflekabinet. The President has said that 'if necessary'," said Yusuf.

Yusuf said President Jokowi has prerogative regarding this cabinet reshuffle.

President Joko Widodo previously also emphasized that a cabinet reshuffle would only be carried out if needed.

"Yes, if needed. I've been talking for a long time, if needed. I still have that prerogative," Jokowi explained on the sidelines of work activities at IKN.