Indra Aziz Links The Use Of AI In Music To Debates About Auto-Tune

JAKARTA - Indra Aziz was one of the speakers in a discussion on the involvement of artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence in music, organized by the Indonesian Music Award Foundation (AMI) in Gambir, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, August 13.

As a vocal musician and coach, Indra brought up a debate about AI by inviting us to reflect on the Auto-Tune case which initially also caused a lot of debate.

"If I can go back a little bit to debate about Auto-Tune. Initially we argued, now the debate has disappeared, it has become standard," said Indra Aziz.

"Will AI be like that too? I think so," he added.

The problem that Indra sees is not the existence of AI, but how the technology is used.

In his experience talking to many singers, he believes it is difficult to entrust AI to write song lyrics.

I often invite singers to chat and discuss, one of which is a question about AI. I also want to know if they want and can coexist with AI. And on average, everyone answered that they still couldn't identify themselves in the lyrics. It's just okay, "said Indra Aziz.

"And I will never use this AI (to write songs), because I have no control, this is not what I think, while what I want to convey to the world is my story," he continued.

Meanwhile, Candra Darusman as the General Chair of the AMI Foundation opened this offline and online discussion to hear the views of music actors and related parties. AMI wants to answer the question 'is it time for AI-based works to receive awards?'.

"In the future, there will come a time when maybe we should have a position how to appreciate this AI-based work," said Candra.

Furthermore, Candra said that what was conveyed in the discussion could be input for AMI in making decisions, whether AI-based works also needed to get a place.

"But once again this is just gathering opinions for how next year will be. We can't avoid it if AI is part of our lives. Yes, of course, someone agrees and disagrees, for their respective reasons," concluded Candra Darusman.

Apart from Indra Aziz, the discussion hosted by Tantowi Yahya also presented Ramya Prajna Sahisnu (Digital Creative Agency), Diana Silfiani (Entertainment Lawyer & Publisher), Prof. Dr, Ahmad M Ramli (Founder Center of Cyberlaw & Digital Transformation, Faculty of Law UNPAD), Febrian Nindyo (Songwriter & Songwriter), and Eka Gustiwana (Musisi & Music Producer).