Germany Orders Arrest Of Ukrainian Citizens Related To Sabotage Nord Stream

JAKARTA - The German prosecutor's office issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian submarine instructor living in Poland, suspected of being involved in a terrorist attack on the Nord Stream pipeline.

The report, which also published a number of German media on Wednesday, August 14, cited an investigation conducted by the authorities.

Various media outlets reported that the German prosecutor's office handed over an arrest warrant against the suspect to Poland in June, which was allegedly identified based on existing photos.

The photo was taken by a traffic camera due to a violation of the vehicle's speed limit.

The suspect is suspected of driving a Citroen car used by a sabotage group suspected of being involved in a terrorist attack on the Nord Stream pipeline on Rugen Island on September 8, 2022.

The information is said to have been confirmed by a number of eyewitnesses who saw a group of Ukrainians in the car.

The media also managed to contact the suspect, but he denied being involved in the terrorist attack.

In July, a number of German newspapers cited an investigative source as saying the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosion had been planned since 2014.

The explosion in the pipeline is believed to have been prepared by certain groups in Ukraine even before Russia's control of Crimea.

The explosion in two Russian gas export pipelines to Europe, Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2, occurred on September 26, 2022. Germany, Denmark, and Sweden did not rule out any targeted sabotage measures.

Nord Stream AG, operator of Nord Stream, reports that damage to pipeline networks has never happened before and is unlikely to estimate a period of repair of the damage.

Meanwhile, the Russian Attorney General's Office filed a case of international acts of terrorism related to the sabotage of Nord Stream, Sputnik reported.