Government Blocks 69 Export Service Companies That Do Not Follow SDA DHE Rules

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has reported that so far there are 69 companies that do not fulfill their obligation to implement the Export Result Foreign Exchange (DHE) of Natural Resources (SDA) in the domestic financial market.

The Director General of Customs and Excise at the Ministry of Finance, Askolani, said that initially he had imposed sanctions in the form of suspending services or blocking 111 companies. However, there have been 43 who have complied with the regulation and there are still 69 companies that do not fulfill these obligations.

"There are 69 companies that have not fulfilled their DHE obligations, so far we are still blocking their business activities," said Askolani during a press conference on the KiTa State Budget, quoted Wednesday, August 14.

It is known, based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 36 of 2023 concerning Export Result Foreign Exchange (DHE) from Entrepreneurship, Management, and/or Natural Resources Processing Activities, exporting companies that receive foreign exchange of export products are required to place the foreign exchange into Indonesia's financial system, especially through banks operating in Indonesia.

Therefore, exporters who do not comply with the regulations in the PP will be subject to sanctions, both in the form of administrative fines and restrictions on export activities.

"Of course, we are consistent in coordinating with Bank Indonesia to implement it rather than PP DHE, and this also supports the strengthening of our foreign exchange reserves rather than the PP DHE policy," he said.

For information, in DHE regulations, it is explained that the government, Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority (OJK) are given the authority to supervise the implementation of this regulation to ensure that the foreign exchange of exports is managed properly in accordance with national interests.

This PP is part of the government's efforts to strengthen economic stability by securing foreign exchange of export products and optimizing its use for national development.