Strengthen Anti-Foregue Implementation, IFG Involve BPKP

JAKARTA - Indonesia Financial Group (IFG) and its holding members signed the Anti-Fraud Commitment Charter witnessed by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to strengthen the implementation of the anti-fraud system in the insurance BUMN holding ecosystem, guarantee and investment.

Strengthening this anti-fraud system is in line with the mandate from the Ministry of SOEs so that SOEs continue to implement a good governance system, effective risk management, and internal control that can reduce the risk of fraud in SOEs.

"This collaboration is the seriousness of IFG and holding members to prevent fraud through the implementation of good governance, and effective risk management in the company's business operations so as to strengthen public confidence in the financial industry, especially insurance, guarantee and investment," explained Deputy President Director of IFG, Haru Koesmahargyo, in a written statement, Wednesday, August 14.

Haru emphasized that this is in line with the issuance of POJK No. 12 of 2024 concerning the Implementation of Anti-Fraud Strategies for Financial Services Institutions. IFG as a company categorized as financial conglomerate makes early preparations for the implementation of POJK both in IFG and in holding members.

Also attending the event were Deputy Head of BPKP for Investigation Agustina Arumsari, IFG President Commissioner Fauzi Ichsan, and IFG President Director of holding members including PT Jasa Raharja, PT Jamkrindo, PT Askrindo, PT Jasindo, PT Asuransi Jiwa IFG (IFG Life), PT Bahana TCW Investment Management, PT Bahana Sekuritas, PT Bahana Artha Ventura, PT Bahana Kapital Investa and PT Graha Niaga Tukatanama. In addition to the signing of the Commitment Charter, it is also filled with discussion and socialization by BPKP regarding the application of anti-fraud implementation strategies in the BUMN ecosystem.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Deputy Head of BPKP for Investigation, Agustina Arumsari, explained that with the signing of the Anti-Frid Commitment Charter, BPKP would support increased performance and governance in SOEs.

"Today's activities are a form of sustainability of our joint commitment in efforts to build accountability and strengthen good and clean state corporate governance," explained Agustina.

This collaboration is expected to be one of IFG's efforts to increase awareness and commitment in preventing fraud in the IFG ecosystem which has an impact on increasing public trust.