Zulhas Tells The Story Of Zita And Kaesang's Proposal To Advance For The Jakarta Regional Head Election

JAKARTA - PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) received a visit from PSI General Chair Kaesang Pangarep at the PAN DPP office, Jakarta. To Kaesang, Zulhas told about the proposal for his daughter, Zita Anjani and the youngest son of President Joko Widodo to run in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.

"There is a little (about politics, ed). Because in the past I proposed Mas Kaesang and Zita to run for Jakarta. I said young people need to perform, it's time for young people to perform," said Zulhas at the PAN DPP office, Wednesday, August 14.

"In the past, it was a year and a half ago (proposing it, ed), not a new one. So in the past I asked, Mr. Jokowi didn't want to. So yesterday when he said that the president was pushing and pushing Kaesang, it wasn't true," he continued.

During this meeting, Zulhas admitted that he asked Kaesang to run for the Central Java Pilkada. However, he said, Kaesang was just laughing.

"I said earlier, Mas Kaesang, if not in Jakarta, what about Central Java, just now, we asked. Mas Kaesang just laughed, if it's with me, laugh and keep humor," said Zulhas.