Impact Of Blocking State Roads, SAB Management Opens Voice

JAKARTA PT Semesta Alam Barito (SAB) has opened its voice regarding the news that states that the company is not serious in its commitment to withdrawing legal cases with individuals blocking the country's roads and causing losses to the community and a number of companies operating around it.

Spokesperson for PT SAB Rangga Dahana said that his party continues to consistently coordinate with the authorities, in this case the police and prosecutors to withdraw the case in accordance with the agreement that has been agreed upon.

"We remain committed to fulfilling the peace agreement that has been mutually agreed upon, including for efforts to withdraw cases. We continue to coordinate with the authorities for the purpose of this revocation," said Rangga, Sunday, August 11.

For information, this case is the aftermath of the first blocking carried out by Yansidianus Bin Susilo (Yansidianus) together with PT Riski Usaha Jasa Energi (PT RUJE) from October 4, 2023 to October 9, 2023 at KM 29, which is the mining road passed by the owner of the Mining Business License (IUP). This blocking has caused losses to the operations of the company operating around the road, one of which is PT Semesta Alam Barito (PT SAB).

For this action, Yansidianus is currently a defendant whose trial process runs at the Muara Teweh District Court and is charged with violating Article 162 of Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining, which reads: Everyone who obstructs or interferes with mining business activities from IUP holders, IUPK, IPR, or SIPB who meets the requirements as referred to in Article 136 paragraph (2) shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 1 (one) year or a maximum fine of Rp. 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million Rupiahs).

On October 9, 2023, PT SAB together with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (FORKOPIMDA) and the Military District Commander (DANDIM) in Puruk Cahu mediated.

From this mediation process, it was agreed that PT SAB would build a post to help RUJE employees to find work.

However, on October 18, 2023 to October 23, 2023, Yansidiaunis returned to KM 29 as a result, PT SAB reported Yansidianus' brother to the authorities.

PT SAB is a PMA company and mining IUP holder located in Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan Province.

PT SAB has been investing and operating in Murung Raya since 2021 and opening up jobs for the people of Murung Raya. The company's data shows that the majority of workers and vendors in PT SAB are local communities and entrepreneurs.

After going through the mediation process again at the Puruk Cahu Police which was witnessed by PJ Regent Mura, the Manpower Service, the Military District Commander, and the Head of the Resort Police, PT SAB offered peace to Brother Yansdianus, but the new peace offer was agreed upon and signed by both parties on April 30, 2024 at Kodim 1013/Muara Teweh with knowledge from Daman to Ada Laung Tuhup and Dandim 113.

"As soon as the peace agreement, on May 1, 2024, PT SAB contacted the Puruk Cahu Police to withdraw the Police Report on behalf of Yansidianus, but according to the Puruk Cahu Police, the case has entered P21 and has been transferred to the Murung Raya District Attorney," explained Rangga further.

Based on information obtained by PT SAB, the Company has been recorded as submitting a Revocation Letter for the Police Report dated January 15, 2024, the Murung Raya District Attorney's Office on Friday, May 03, 2024, explaining that PT SAB has resolved this issue amicably and submitted a request for the revocation/distribution of the Police Report which also attached a Peace Agreement Letter dated April 30, 2024, which has arrived at the Murung Raya District Attorney.

Rangga further explained that in principle PT SAB understands and respects the applicable legal procedures and stages and the company continues to seek to coordinate with the authorities regarding the peace that has been agreed upon even though information has been obtained that the Trial on the Criminal Case of Yansidianus will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at the Muara Teweh District Court.

"We obey, obey and respect the legal procedures that need to be passed. What is clear is that the Company remains committed to communicating the revocation of cases and peace with the authorities," concluded Rangga.

Media smoothing revealed that the trial could be held because the Prosecutor's Office had received the P21 document of the Murung Raya Police on Monday, April 28, 2024 and Yansidianus along with his attorney had fulfilled the Phase 2 summons.