Gathering In Tebuireng Jomabg, Dozens Of Kiai Ask PBNU To Fix PKB

Dozens of structural kiai and caretakers of Islamic boarding schools gathered at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, East Java, requested that PBNU immediately take strategic steps in its future PKB improvement efforts.

The meeting was chaired by the PKB Special Committee team (PBNU formation team) namely KH Anwar Iskandar and KH Amin Said Husni.

"I can conclude that there are two agreements in this meeting. First, the kiai agreed that between PBNU and PKB there is an ideological, historical, political, organizational and cultural relationship," said KH Anwar Iskandar when reading the results of the agreement in Jombang as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 12.

The second agreement, he said, was that the kiai asked PBNU to immediately take strategic steps in order to improve the PKB in the future.

He explained that this agreement was taken after the kiai felt that the PKB had been getting further and further away from the main dignity when the party was founded.

KH Amin Said Husni explained, because PBNU was founded, the management of PKB from the DPP level to the bottom should be almost the same as the structure in NU.

"There is a sharia rois in PKB called the syuro council. There is a tanfidziyah in PKB called the tanfidz board. It's just a little different name, but its function is almost the same," said KH Amin.

Currently, the function of the shuro council has been castrated in PKB, even though the syuro council should be the main determinant of the party.

"In the past, with NU, the candidate for chairman of the tanfidz council had to have the permission of the shuro council. But now the chairman of the tanfidz council appoints the DPP, which in this case is the general chairman," he said.

His party explained that the organization's decision should also be the same as that of NU, namely that there must be a signature of four people, namely the chairman of the shuro council, the secretary of the shuro council and the chairman of tanfidz and the secretary of tanfidz.

"But now, the syuro council no longer has to sign all party decisions," he said.

The kiai who were present in Tebuireng, Jombang, also revealed that some of the PKB facts were already too far from leaving NU.

"Even though we used to be under the establishment of PKB, they were enemies of other party cadres and were threatened with chaos, but now they seem to no longer need NU," he said.

Separately, dozens of members of the syuro council and former PKB Syuro Council throughout Java also gathered. They were met directly by KH Amin Said Husni. They complained to PBNU because so far the role of the Shura Council in PKB was abolished.

I talked and chatted with friends of the Shura Council in West Java. We only functioned in supervision and limitedness," said Deputy Chairman of the PKB Syuro Council Cirebon Lutfi Andalusie.

Therefore, he and dozens of other syuro council members complained to PBNU. With that, it is hoped that there will be improvements in the body of PKB soon. "We want PBNU to take concrete steps," said Lutfi.

The results of the meeting at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang and the meeting at the Yusro Hotel were then submitted to PBNU.

The meeting at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang, was attended by kiai, including the caretaker of the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School Kediri KH Anwar Manshur, caretaker of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School Jombang KH Hakim Mahfudz and PCNU Sharia Rais and Islamic boarding school kiai from East Java, Central Java, West Java, North Sumatra, and South Sulawesi.