60 Kiai Sepuh Met At The Tebuireng Jombang Islamic Boarding School Bahas PKB
About 60 elderly kiai from various regions in East Java, gathered at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang Regency, East Java, discussing issues with the National Awakening Party (PKB).
Deputy Chairperson of PBNU Amin Said Husni said this meeting was held as a gathering between Rois Syuriah PWNU throughout Indonesia to follow up on assignments given by PBNU to explore the relationship between NU and PKB.
"PBNU through the panel team that was formed has invited several sources that we requested information or experience data provided by him and the deepening process is still ongoing," he said at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang Regency, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 12.
The team also stayed in touch with the PKB Syuro Council officials representing a number of regions, such as West Java, Central Java, Banten and several other representatives to explore information.
This meeting with PWNU Syuriah throughout Indonesia, he said, is expected from him that the kiai can build communication with syuro administrators in their respective regions to dig up information and explore and confirm the initial findings or initial information gathered by the panel team.
From the initial report, there was a change in the principle in PKB. When compared to the first time at PKB in 1998, at that time the syuro council was the holder of the supremacy of authority in the party structure as sharia in NU which had the supremacy of authority in NU.
"Because actually PKB was founded by PBNU and the team formed by PBNU at that time with a NU-like structure," he said.
He explained that in NU there is a sharia in PKB there is a syuro council. In NU there is tanfidziyah and in PKB there is a tanfidz council.
The Shura council in PKB, he said, is typical that it cannot be compared to other parties. The Shura board is not like an advisor in other parties. The Shura council is not like the deliberative council in other parties.
"The PKB Syuro Council is like one in two rooms at PWNU. Its role is very central. We received information that the position and authority of the syuro council is no longer the same as before. That's why we need to deepen according to the assignments given to us," he said.
It also has not been able to make conclusions and steps that must be taken by PBNU because it is waiting for the results of communication with all parties.
His party has tried to communicate with PKB. Invitations were given to the Secretary General of the PKB DPP which was physically provided and soft coffee was also given via WhatsApp but was not present.
"It will be time for us to draw conclusions and recommendations as ordered by PBNU to us. We are still technically investigating that," he said.
The meeting was held behind closed doors and attended by elderly kiai. Among them were the elected Chairperson of the East Java PWNU who was also the caretaker of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang Regency KH Hakim Mahfudz or Gus Kikin, and the caretaker of the Al Amien Ngasinan Islamic Boarding School, Kediri City KH Anwar Iskandar.
In addition, the caretaker of the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri City who is also Rais Syuriah of the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Management (PWNU) was elected by KH Anwar Manshur, Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board for Religious Affairs KH Ahmad Fahrurrozi (Gus Fahrur) and other senior kiai.