Reply To Anies' Voice Message, Chairman Of PKS DKI Uploads Rejection Of Offers To Become Cadres
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PKS Regional Leadership Council (DPW) Khoirudin replied to voice messages or voice notes to Anies Baswedan. Anies previously sent a voice message claiming he was not aware of the deadline or deadline from PKS to seek support from other political parties.
To Anies, Khoirudin reminded PKS that it had assigned him to attract other political parties (political parties), especially NasDem and PKB to approve the PKS proposed cagub-cawagub pair. Where, Anies will be paired with the Deputy Chairperson of the Sohibul Council, Iman.
In fact, said Khoirudin, the President of PKS has also intervened to ask for support from other political parties to be willing to carry Anies as the cagub and Sohibul Iman cawagub in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.
"But until August 4th when PIC from PKS asked about the results of Pak Anies' struggle to get confirmation from NasDem and or PKB to nominate Mr. Anies, it turns out that Mr. Anies has not been able to get confirmation," Khoirudin said in a voice message to Anies, who circulated on Monday, August 12.
Meanwhile, Khoirudin recently arrested the statements of the NasDem elite and PKB who have yet to accept Sohibul Iman as the cawagub. Where, the two parties opened up opportunities to withdraw support for Anies if the agreement was not reached.
"From the leadership of NasDem, Pak Sahroni and PKB Pak Jazilul Fawaid actually at the end of July and early August instead made an open statement that it was easy to understand that they did not become, did not continue to support Pak Anies as a candidate for governor in Jakarta," said Khoirudin.
On the one hand, Khoirudin emphasized that he had offered Anies to join as a PKS cadre to make it easier for him to find a cawagub couple that was more accepted by other political parties. This aims to make the path of forming a supporting coalition smoother.
"I, Khoirudin, once conveyed directly to Mr. Anies so that if he does not accept Mr. Sohibul Iman, then Mr. Anies can wear a white jacket, enter as a PKS cadre. So, later as a candidate for governor from PKS, so he can take the deputy governor candidate from outside PKS," said Khoirudin.
However, until now, Anies did not accept the offer. "But at that time, Mr. Anies did not positively welcome the invitation, instead conveying Pak Anies' desire to be neutral," he continued.
Previously, Anies Baswedan's voicemail recording aimed at Khoirudin was spread to the public. In the recording, it turns out that Anies admitted that he had never been told before that he was given a deadline or deadline to find a coalition.
This deadline was previously disclosed by PKS spokesman Muhammad Kholid. Kholid said PKS had given the opportunity to get approval from other parties to bring Anies paired with the Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council Sohibul Iman for 40 days starting from June 25.
"Pak Khoiruddin and his friends, all of whom we have been fighting together, know, and friends who support me, propose to me, I want to convey to all that I am fighting together and no deadline or deadline has been passed," Anies said in the recording.
Anies said he had met with PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu on Wednesday, July 31. To Syaikhu, the former governor of DKI Jakarta stated that he was willing to be paired with Sohibul Iman in the Jakarta Pilkada.
"In the meeting, I said that I was ready to fight with Mr. MSI as decided in the DPTP. The President welcomed the answer, it was also conveyed that this is roughly the case, with this decision, the party engine can start moving," explained Anies.
Anies emphasized that his discussion with Syaikhu was limited. There is no discussion regarding the deadline for attracting other political parties to participate in carrying him with Sohibul Iman whose deadline ends on August 4.
"So that's the discussion. Once we didn't discuss 40 days and so on. I'm just surprised to hear PKS spokesmans in the media say a deadline of 40 days, then a deadline of August 4 as a deadline for looking for other parties. Why is it surprised? Because it was never discussed, yes," said Anies.