Kemenkop UKM Calls Indonesia's Entrepreneurship Ratio Only 3.4 Percent

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) said that until now Indonesia's entrepreneurship ratio has only reached 3.4 percent of the target set by the government throughout 2024, which is 4 percent.

This was conveyed by the Deputy for Micro Business at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Yulius at the National MSME Day Symposium with the theme 'Sudden Advanced and Sustainable MSME Towards Indonesia Gold 2045 and MSME Innovation Expo 2024 at the Kemenkop UKM Building, Jakarta, Monday, August 12.

"This entrepreneurship is a tough thing to push because until now it has only reached 3.4 percent of all MSMEs," he said.

Yulius assessed that the entrepreneurship ratio needs to be increased because this is one of the requirements to achieve Golden Indonesia in 2045. Given, MSMEs themselves contribute to GDP by 60 percent.

"We encourage MSMEs to be connected to large businesses or supply chains and take advantage of research and technology, business protection and entrepreneurship development," he said.

In addition, said Yulius, the government will also encourage People's Business Credit (KUR) so that it can be accessed by all MSMEs.

"We already have KUR which we will continue to encourage and assist so that it can be accessed properly by MSMEs," he said.