MSME Actors Will Receive Halal Certification Facilities From DKI Jakarta

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has since 2012 facilitated and provided assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) so that their products obtain halal certification. "We continue to encourage MSME players, especially those who have joined the Jakarta Entrepreneur program, to advance to class by providing various mentoring facilities," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Province Trade Industry Office for Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives (PPKUKM), Elisabeth Ratu Rante Allo, Antara, Sunday, August 11. The Queen emphasized, as well as all food and beverage MSME actors present at the Jakarta International Investment, Trade, Tourism and SME Expo (JITEX) 2024 have been drained and have halal certification. "All MSMEs in JITEX 2024 are MSMEs that have been upgraded in class," said Ratu. Director of the DKI Jakarta Food, and Cosmetics Studies Institute (LPPOM), Deden Edi said, ownership of halal certification for food and beverage business actors in Indonesia is very important and mandatory. This is in accordance with Government Regulation Number 39 of 2021. "Our government has required all food and beverage business actors to have halal certification as of October 17, 2024," said Deden.

According to Deden, when business actors already have halal certificates, the resulting food and beverage products will have wider market opportunities. Not only for sale in Indonesia, but also in the global market. In addition, Deden explained, there are five criteria that become the assessment to determine a food and beverage product that deserves a halal certificate. Namely, the ingredients used as raw materials for production and production processes run. In addition, an assessment of the resulting products and the latter is carried out monitoring and evaluation. "One type of industry that must have a halal certificate is a Domestic Industry Perpetrator (PIRT)," said Deden.Representation from the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Sajun added, this PIRT must have a distribution permit before being able to sell its products in the market. Then, businesses that include PIRT are those who produce all their products on a home scale and use household tools. "For all these PIRTs, of course, they must have a distribution permit. If they do not have a distribution permit then they will get sanctions up to annihilation," said Deden. Previously, the DKI Jakarta PPKUKM Service helped the free halal certification for 5,000 MSME actors in the Jakarta area who are members of the Jakarta Entrepreneur (Jakpreneur). "For this year there are another 5,000 'free' halals from DKI for Jakpreneur. But that 5,000 are mandatory audits," said Elisabeth Ratu Rante Allo. Actually, the certification is paid but borne by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. "Indeed it is paid, approximately Rp. 3,000,000 per MSME and all of it is borne by the provincial government," said Ratu when met at City Hall, Central Jakarta.