Nurdin Halid Reveals No Management Has Been Appointed As Acting Head Of Golkar

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP Nurdin Halid stated that until now no party central board has been appointed as the executor of the general chairman of the Golkar Party.

Nurdin Halid also has not been able to confirm or deny the news of Airlangga Hartarto's resignation from his position as General Chair of the Golkar Party DPP.

"Not yet, Plt. It must go through a plenary meeting of the DPP (Central Leadership Council)," said Nurdin Halid, quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, August 11.

Nurdin, when asked about the schedule for the Golkar Party's plenary meeting, replied that so far no schedule has been set.

"Nothing yet, not yet, not yet," he said.

Information circulating among journalists stated that Golkar Party politician Agus Gumiwang, who is also the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, is rumored to be appointed as Acting Chairperson of the Golkar Party.

However, until now no Golkar official has confirmed the news.

Meanwhile, regarding the news of Airlangga Hartarto's resignation from the position of General Chair of the Golkar Party, Nurdin Halid previously said that the information he received was still fifty-fifty.

"Fifty: fifty, basically 50:50," said Nurdin when contacted in Jakarta, Sunday.

Nurdin, when asked about the possibility of dynamics within the Golkar Party which was tough to approve Airlangga's resignation, also responded with a fifty-fifty answer.

If referring to that answer, Nurdin has not been able to confirm or deny the news of Airlangga Hartarto's resignation from the position of General Chair of the Golkar Party.

Airlangga reportedly resigned from his position as General Chair of the Golkar Party, Saturday, August 10 evening.

He was chosen as the number one person in the Golkar Party at the 2019 national meeting for a five-year term.

This means that Airlangga's term of office should end at the end of 2024 when the Golkar Party holds a national deliberation to elect a new general chairman.

Separately, the Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP Dito Ariotedjo has also not been able to confirm the news of Airlangga Hartarto's resignation.

"We are waiting for the official," said Dito Ariotedjo when contacted by reporters in Jakarta, Sunday.

Dito estimates that if it is true that Airlangga is resigning, it might be because he wants to focus on the government.

"Maybe because it will focus on government and future challenges related to the national and global economy will be more and more complex," said Dito.

Airlangga Hartarto is currently the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet led by President Joko Widodo-Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

Airlangga on several occasions has announced his intention to re-election as general chairman at the Golkar Party National Conference which is planned to be held in December 2024.

However, if he resigns from the position of chairman, the Golkar Party can hold extraordinary national deliberations whose implementation precedes the schedule for the National Conference.