PBSI Asked To Prepare For LA 2028 Olympics

JAKARTA - Under the leadership of M. Fadil Imran, the Central Board of the Indonesian Badminton Association (PP PBSI) was asked by the Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo to immediately prepare a roadmap for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.

"I want from today (elected) Pak Fadil (as chairman) has made a roadmap for the 2028 Olympics," said Menpora Dito, quoted from the official statement of PP PBSI, Saturday, August 10.

"From there we will make strategic planning and I want to say that the government fully supports 100 percent. God willing, the budget for badminton to the Olympics, the SEA Games first and the Asia Games, I promise we will support it," he added.

Furthermore, Dito said that his party has a commitment to continue to support the national badminton organization.

Moreover, badminton is still considered Indonesia's flagship and mainstay branch.

To support sports such as badminton, the government is very capable and its commitment is very high. And this requires communication, collaboration, and also roadmaps that PBSI must immediately form. So there is a medium-term, short, to long-term plan," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

"I also hope that PBSI's collaboration with the private sector can also be embraced. The more people who help, the more opportunities. And I also encourage the elected Ketum, I have said this many times, so that the Cipayung National Training Center is immediately modernized," he added.

Responding to this, Fadil stated that the organization he leads will be based on PBSI Persatuan and PBSI Gotong Royong.

Let's create a PBSI that is not divided. There are no more camps. We are all one for Indonesia. This is what I call PBSI unity and PBSI mutual cooperation. With the vision of realizing badminton as a source of national pride and joy," explained Fadil.

He also invited all elements of society to unite and work together to raise Indonesia's name through badminton.

In his leadership, Fadil also stated that he was ready to accept criticism and input from the public and Indonesian badminton lovers.

"Criticism and evaluation are vitamins that will be eaten every day with full awareness and joy by all friends of the PBSI Central Executive in the future," he said.