Budi Karya Supports The Maritime Tourism Advancement Industry

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi supports the efforts of shipping industry players to advance marine tourism in Indonesia in order to improve the nation's economy.

"I appreciate and support ISA, as an association that accommodates shipping business players on its initiative to develop marine tourism in the country through the ISA Yacht Festival," said the Minister of Transportation when speaking at the talk show ISA (Indonesian National Shipowners Association) Yacht Festival (IYF) 2024 in Benoa, Bali, in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday.

According to the Minister of Transportation, this activity is the right moment to promote the natural beauty of Indonesia as well as to introduce amazing tourist ships to crowded audiences.

Budi added that the IYF is also the right place to bring together shipping business actors, both domestic and foreign, so that they can interact and share experiences related to the development of this industry.

Specifically, shipping business actors can exchange ideas in terms of reading opportunities and looking for solutions to the challenges that will be faced in the future.

"I hope that the tourism ship ecosystem, such as yachts and cruises, can continue to grow, so that it can have a positive impact on tourism and the Indonesian economy," explained the Minister of Transportation.

The Minister of Transportation also explained that the government is committed to continuing to support the progress of the shipping business in terms of policy. In this context, the government provides easy operations for tourist ships to sail in Indonesian waters.

"We provide convenience for yachts and cruises to operate in Indonesia. That way, people can enjoy a memorable experience using these tourist boats in various locations. Not only in Bali, but also in other places such as Likupang, Wakatobi, to Labuan Bajo," said the Minister of Transportation.

Meanwhile, regarding regulatory support, the Ministry of Transportation has issued a Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 4 of 2022 concerning Foreign Tourist Ship Services (Yacht) and Foreign Ship Ship Ships in Indonesian Waters.

The government has opened 28 embarkation and debarkation ports for foreign tourist ships (yachts) and 10 ports for foreign cruise ships (cruise ships).