Regarding Hyundai Charging Can Only Be Used By Hyundai EV Users, HMID: For The Sake Of Satisfactorisating Consumers

JAKARTA - This month, PT Hyundai Motor Indonesia (HMID) announced a number of new rules regarding the use of Hyundai charging services in the country.

This automotive manufacturer from South Korea has imposed a ban on the use of Hyundai charging facilities on non-Hyundai electric cars (EVs) in the country. Why is this rule enforced?

This is enforced in order to comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (DJK) related to the Private Electricity Installation (ILP). Thus, the use of this type of SPKLU only applies to a number of certain vehicles and this is what PT HMID does.

To make it more clear, PT HMID Chief Operating Officer Fransiscus Soerjopranoto said that his party is only carrying out its commitment as a company that wants to expand the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia.

"Regarding SPKLU, when consumer anxiety EV was first launched, namely infrastructure and we are trying to reduce this worry," said Suryo when met by the media in Lebak Bulus, Jakarta, Friday, August 9.

He explained that Hyundai is developing this ecosystem along with the announcement of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources regulation regarding ILP which requires providing its own charging brand.

"Meanwhile, we are still developing the infrastructure. So coincidentally, the ESDM government also requires us to present a special charging brand for our own," added Suryo.

In addition, Suryo also emphasized that this step was taken only to satisfy Hyundai EV buyers so that consumers do not need to queue for too long because many cars from other brands use these facilities.

"Hyundai itself has sold more than 10,000 EV units, so what's wrong with us giving priority to our consumers and this is natural to do," said Suryo.

Just like other brands, Suryo just wants Hyundai electric vehicle users to feel satisfied with their services so that they can reduce anxiety in terms of using EVs.

"We want consumers to be satisfied in various ways, firstly the product, secondly the ecosystem, thirdly we want consumers to be satisfied with the overall service provided," concluded Suryo.