Fugitive Case Of West Jakarta Money Laundering Arrested In Bali

The Bali High Prosecutor's Office's Tabur Team and the Junior Attorney General's SirI Team for Intelligence at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office arrested the convict DPO (wanted list) from the West Jakarta District Attorney's Office on behalf of the convict Candy Angelika Wijaya (26), Thursday night, August 8.

Head of the Legal Information Section of the Bali Prosecutor's Office, Putu Agus Eka Sabana Putra, in Denpasar, Friday said that the convict Candy Angelika Wijaya (CAW) was secured on Jalan Petanu, Gang Murai Number I South Denpasar, Bali, at around 21.00 WITA.

"The arrest process was witnessed and assisted by the local Environmental Kelian," he said.

Agus explained that after being secured, the convict was immediately taken to the Bali High Prosecutor's Office for initial examination and preparation for departure to Jakarta.

The arrest of the convict CAW was made based on the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 231 K/Pid.Sus/2022 dated August 4, 2022.

In this decision, he said, the convict was sentenced to six years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion, subsidiary to four months in prison on charges of Article 378 of the Criminal Code, Article 3 Junto Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of the crime of money laundering (TPPU).

Agus explained that CAW convicts in 2016-2017 were involved in money fraud at the West Jakarta Golf Lake Residence Cengkareng Housing. However, Agus did not explain in detail the fraud case.

"The proceeds of the crime were disguised or washed by the convict as if it were legal money, so that the victim was harmed," he said.

After an examination until the CAW investigation, he had been detained from February 25, 2022 until he was suspended since July 25, 2022.

However, in the ongoing legal process, the convict fled to Bali. The West Denpasar District Attorney's team also set CAW on the wanted list (DPO).