The Ministry Of Agriculture Destroys 108 Tons Of Imported Ginger Because It Still Contains Soil And Pests

JAKARTA - The Agricultural Quarantine Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture destroyed 108 tons of imported ginger from Vietnam and Myanmar at a waste disposal site in Karawang Regency, West Java, Monday.

"In total, there are 108 tonnes, 54 tonnes each from the two countries which are transported in four containers", said Head of the Agriculture Quarantine Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture Ali Jamil in Karawang, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 24.

He said that all the costs of the destruction will be borne by the ginger importer. The reason ginger from the two countries was destroyed is that it does not qualify as ginger that must enter Indonesia.

It is known that the ginger is still contaminated with soil and contains quarantine plant-disturbing organisms (OPTK) which could threaten local agriculture.

Deputy Chairman of Commission IV House of Representatives (DPR RI), Dedi Mulyadi, admitted that he supports the efforts made by the Ministry of Agriculture through Barantan in enforcing quarantine regulations.

"I hope there will be no more imports of ginger, especially those with a disease", said Dedi.

Meanwhile, 108 tons of imported ginger that did not meet the quarantine requirements were destroyed by means of being crushed using an incinerator.