Bank DKI Collaborates With PT ATDXT Indonesia

JAKARTA - BANK DKI Jakarta is partnering with ATDXT Group, which is a Global Financial Technology company, launched the first digital payment system in the capital Indonesia.

The signing of this collaboration took place at the Head Office of Bank DKI, Wednesday, August 8.

PT ATDXT Indonesia is a subsidiary of ATDXT Singapore, part of a multimillion-dollar data center hub to increase Group investment in Indonesia.

The launch of this first digital payment technology program will enable financial inclusion across the economy and enrich the lives of the general public.

The new data Center, specifically designed to facilitate AI-based fintech payment solutions, will focus on local data protection, increased security, and providing digital transformation solutions.

The latest and best ATDXT FinTech solution in its class is used in 4 of the top 5 global mobile money markets in the world.

As a licensed and regulated entity by the Reserve Bank of India in India, the FinTech ATDXT solution is integrated with 45 banks around the world and has so far handled 5 billion transactions with zero variants.

Bank DKI Jakarta is a leading financial institution in this country in partnership with PT ATDXT Indonesia with the aim of digitizing the entire Public Transportation ecosystem.

ATDXT Group believes that this new digital payment system will not only provide convenience for all Indonesian people in using public transportation, but also help revolutionize the digital economy at the grassroots level and enrich the lives of the general public in Indonesia.

The launch and signing of this collaboration was attended by the Executive Chairman of ATDXT Group, Dr. Murthy GS, Mr. Sudheer COO and Mr. Sridharan Srinivasan, CTO of PT ATDXT Indonesia In addition, also present were Directors and Commissioners of PT ATDXT Indonesia, Pak Eka Gunawan and Pak Olsu Babay.

Meanwhile, from Bank DKI, represented by Bank DKI Director of Technology and Operations Amirul Wicaksono, Bank DKI Vice President of Digital Business Fajar Kusuma Nugraha, and Assistant Vice President of Corporate Communications at Bank DKI, Fakhrurroji.

The launch of a digital payment system in Jakarta will involve marketing an e-money co-brand card "Bank DKI Jakarta & ATDXT".

The current technology that is sustainable from the ATDXT Group system will also make it easier for customers to fill in their balances and make purchases across the country, because the e-money system will be connected to consumer smartphone applications. In the near future, the card will also be a multifunctional payment card.

Through its portfolio company, the ATDXT Group is present on five continents and 22 countries including Singapore and several Southeast Asian countries. The group offers a variety of innovative products, solutions, and services at the Data & Cloud Center as well as Digital Transformation focused on Fintech, GovTech, and HealthTech which are unique and equivalent to technology giants.

Meanwhile, Bank DKI Director of Technology and Operations Amirul Wicaksono said that the collaboration between Bank DKI and PT ATDXT Teknologi Indonesia is for us in the sale and marketing of Jakcard cards.

Jakcard is an electronic money payment card issued by Bank DKI. What we now brand as a Jakarta tourist pass. So that this card can be sold and used by residents for transportation, to enter tourist attractions for purchases or payments," he said.

"In collaboration with PT ATDXT Teknologi Indonesia, we are increasingly expanding the reach of this Jakcard card marketing. This card has been used since 2007," he added.

Furthermore, Amirul Wicaksono said, Jakcard is already known by Jakarta residents. Can be used everywhere.

"It makes it easier and secures transactions for example by Transjakarta, riding the MRT, entering Ragunan, entering Monas and so on," he explained.

Meanwhile, Dr. Murthy Gurunathan Saravana, Chairman of ATDXT Group said that his party is happy to be working with Bank DKI. "We are starting today for transportation and tourists. We will support it," he said.

Dr. Murthy added, what we want from today is to move away the programs that have successfully supported from MSMEs to large companies like India. His party can implement the same module here and we are also very adaptive so that solutions can be provided as needed.

Given that smartphone penetration has also grown twice that of population growth. The community is very adaptive to digital change and technology and he believes that his party can contribute directly and more financially competitively.

We want to bring change and how people use their payment cards and so on. That is our main goal as a payment technology platform," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of ATDXT Indonesia, Eka Gunawan R, said that his party cooperated with Bank DKI, of course, wanted the long term.

"But this collaboration is an initial collaboration for many more that we want to develop. The ATDXT group is already operating in 18 countries. Its market includes the main offices in Dubai as well as its market in Africa, Asia, India, the largest. Singapore is our Southeast Asia office. And indeed our goal today is to sign the first contract to be able to help each other Bank DKI and also our main goal today from the contract is that we will develop with Bank DKI technology, Jakcard cards, we also believe we can bring many users of Bank DKI JakOne," he said.

"After that, there are many more infrastructures that we can develop again, the main goal is for Bank DKI, it can be one bank that can compete with other banks. And hopefully Bank DKI can become a commercial bank that is prioritized by the people of Indonesia," added Eka.

He added that his party wanted to invest for a long time in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta.

"If the investment has to be futures. Our goal is to be here for a long time, the real purpose is. So the hope of this collaboration with Bank DKI is that our relationship in Indonesia, and also the Bank DKI will be long for life," said Eka.

We are expanding so that we can contribute to the economy. We will start to public transportation and that ecosystem will be many more. Maybe not only specifically in transportation, or tourism but also all of them. The target for selling Jakcard cards from this collaboration is as many," he concluded.