PKBI Floods Support After Being Expelled By The Government From His Office

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) was flooded with support after being expelled by the South Jakarta City Government and the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) from its office. They will fight back while continuing to promote public health and welfare.

"The struggle to overcome health problems is not easy," said PKBI Executive Director Eko Maryadi to reporters, Wednesday, August 7.

Eko said that PKBI has contributed 50 years to helping the government overcome health problems and the welfare of the community. "But this time the opponent we are facing is the ruler who should be our partner," he said.

Therefore, he appreciated the support that had been given by a number of non-governmental organizations. "PKBI is trying its best so as not to disappoint the support that has been given," said Eko.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI) said it criticized the evictions carried out. This is because PKBI has tried to help the government overcome health, social and welfare problems.

It's just that at this time they actually have to experience repressive actions in the form of forced expulsion from their own office. WALHI invites all parties to support this association to defend the right to existing assets.

Meanwhile, the civil society coalition that is members of INFID highlighted the expulsion effort without a court order. This is considered to have violated Article 28E paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which states that everyone has the right to freedom of association, assembly, and opinion.

After all, land disputes should be resolved through means of dialogue. And do not use violence in any form by considering mutual benefit and the long history of PKBI services in the success of government health programs, especially reproductive health," concluded INFID.