Are Breast Networks In Men Growing Or Ginekomastia Dangerous? Recognize The Causes And How To Overcome Them

YOGYAKARTA Men's enlarged breasts, may worry or reduce self-confidence related to appearance. This condition is called gynekomastia, which is the enlargement of the breast tissue of non-cancerous men. Generally, gynekomastia is caused by two factors, namely hormonal and obesity imbalance which causes the breast size to be larger due to excess adipose or fat tissue. So is gynekomastia dangerous?

Ginekomastia can be experienced by men of all ages. But it usually happens as long as newborns,colour, and older adults. This condition is very common and affects 50 percent of men in several periods of their lives.

Ginekomastia, most often occurs due to hormonal imbalances, especially testosterone and estrogen. Important to understand, gynekomastia is not harmful to physical health. But it affects self-confidence and self-esteem. Ginekomastia is seen and feels like a button-sized growth under a nipples. It may look like a breast bump when pressing the area. These lumps can move easily inside the breast tissue and may feel pain when touched.

Although not dangerous, it is important to see a doctor. The reason is, breast cancer in men has the same symptoms. Namely, a lump appears around the breasts. But even though it rarely happens, checking with a doctor will be wiser and get the right medical diagnosis.

Apart from estrogen imbalance and progesterone as well as a pile of adipose fat, gynekomastia is also one of the symptoms of certain medical conditions that requires treatment. Conditions that cause gynekomastia, among others:

In addition to the above conditions, gynekomastia is also a side effect of certain drugs, including cemitidin to treat maag and acid reflux, a drug for certain heart problems (digoksin), prostate enlargement drugs (finasteride), fungal or yeast infections (Ketokonazol), high blood pressure drugs and heart failure (Spironolakton), and chemotherapy drugs.

How to deal with gynekomastia, depending on what causes it. Generally, gynekomastia does not need treatment because it will disappear by itself. Unless inflammation around the breast is followed by other disturbing symptoms. For example, if it is caused by drugs consumed, it is necessary to consult a doctor and get the right recommendations.