Gus Choi Reveals 5 PKB Declarators, Gus Yahya And Gus Ipul Participate In Donating KTP

JAKARTA - Former PKB politician Effendi Choirie (Gus Choi) revealed five names of the National Awakening Party (PKB) declarators, one of whom is KH Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur.

Gus Choi also mentioned the involvement of the General Chairperson of PBNU, Yahya Cholil Staqub (Gus Yahya) and the Secretary General of PBNU Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) in the establishment of PKB, namely contributing their ID cards so that the party could be registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights or at that time called the Ministry of Justice.

At the beginning of his statement, Gus Choi said, PKB was founded by Team Lima and Team Sembilan. Then this team formulated the Articles of Association and Household Budget (AD/ART).

"Tim Lima dan Tim Sembilan membuat kalau partai ini (PKB) sudah berdiri maka hubungannya apa dengan NU? Hubungan NU dengan partai yang didirikan namanya PKB itu adalah hubungan berkoris, hubungan kultural dan hubungan aspiratif. Tidak struktural, benar, tapi sejarah, sejarahnyataris tidak bisa hilang," ujar Gus Choi saat konferensi pers di gedung PBNU, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu, 7 Agustus.

After the AD/ART is formulated, continued Gus Choi, the declarator will be appointed to announce and declare the PKB.

There are five people as PKB declarators, namely KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) as General Chair, KH Ilyas Ruhiat as Rais Aam PBNU, KH Mustofa Bisri, KH Muchid Muzati, KH Munawir Ali.

"This is what represents NU. Representing NU Nahdliyin residents throughout Indonesia, this is the party (PKB)," explained Gus Choi.

It is not enough to declare, continued Gus Choi, PKB needs to be registered with the Department of Justice, or currently known as the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. To register PKB, he said, one of the conditions for establishing a party is the collection of ID cards.

The requirements for establishing a political party are formed by at least 50 (fifty) Indonesian citizens who are 21 (twenty-one) years old with a notary deed.

At that time, continued Gus Choi, the current General Chair of PBNU, Yahya Cholil Staqub and the Secretary General of PBNU Saifullah Yusuf alias Gus Ipul also gave their ID cards as a condition for registering the establishment of PKB as political parties.

"To go that way is not enough with 5 declarators, then 5 teams, and 9 assistants yes, the Assistance Team, not enough. It requires ID cards for the requirements of about 50 people, who are asked for ID cards to meet the administrative requirements, to approve a political party it stands for. In addition to these names Gus Dur and so on there is also Gus Yahya's name, there is also his name, there is the name gus Saipul there, including my name, there are Maskur experts, Arifin Junaedi and others, "explained Gus Choi.

Therefore, according to Gus Choi, the presence of PKB until now has a close connection with PBNU as its founder. So he said, PBNU has the right to evaluate PKB's journey and correct and reorganize PKB if its party is a NU citizen, it deviates from the end of NU 1926.

"So brothers and sisters, it means that the current presence of PKB is still related to NU. Now NU is the founder, so the conclusion that founded PKB means PBNU representing NU residents," said Gus Choi.

"So NU or PBNU has the right to evaluate PKB travel and has the right to correct. Not interfere, not interfere, because the history is like that, it has the right to evaluate, correct, or rearrange. This is where the difference between the National Awakening Party and other parties," he said.

"So if in general a number of other parties agree, formulate an ID card, then register it, become a political party. Vision and mission are drawn up by themselves, so many people. If PKB is not, PKB is through extraordinary processes," added Gus Choi.

Until the journey, continued Gus Choi, PKB met the conflict point in 2008. The chairman of the first PKB faction in the DPR later became the Chairman of the Extraordinary Congress with Gus Dur who was fought by the current PKB General Chair, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin).