MUI Doesn't Boycott French Products Despite The Prohibition Of Hijab Athletes

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) emphasized that they have never invited the public to boycott French products in Indonesia even though they consider the actions of the French government which prohibits its citizens from wearing the hijab at the 2024 Olympics are truly not honorable.

"There is no invitation to boycott French products. However, the actions of the French government are completely dishonorable, undermine the principles of French principles that are liberty, legality, fraternity, and damage the basic rights of Muslims," said MUI Chairman for Foreign Relations and International Cooperation Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 7.

Sudarnoto said the ban on the use of hijab for Muslims includes Islamophobia, and according to a resolution by the United Nations (UN), such actions must be fought.

"This action also undermines the principles of democracy, namely respecting minorities," he said.

According to him, for whatever reason the French government should not discriminate and treat a Muslim negatively, and they should provide and protect the basic rights of citizens. He considered, this is not the first time the French government has shown Islamophobia.

According to media reports, the controversy over the ban on wearing the hijab for French athletes at the French Olympics comes after French Sports Minister Amelie Oudea-Custera banned the use of the hijab for French athletes at the 2024 Olympics.

Amelie stated that no host athlete should wear the hijab during the event. He considered that this step was to prevent 'proselytism', namely the act of inviting others to follow certain religious teachings or political attitudes with a daily lifestyle.

"There is a prohibition on all forms of 'proselytism', because the neutrality of public services is absolute," he said.

Responding to the ban, non-governmental organizations Amnesty International immediately criticized the French government's decision.

"The ban on the use of the hijab at the 2024 Olympics weakens efforts to make sport more inclusive and proves that Muslim athletes wearing hijabs in France will continue to be discriminated against," they said.

In Amnesty International's report, it was stated that France was the only European country participating in the Olympics to ban the hijab for its 2024 Olympics and 2024 Paralympics. In addition, France is the only party of 38 countries in Europe to boycott hijab in various sports such as football, basketball and volleyball.

In response to this, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) stated that there was no similar ban on athletes from other countries at the 2024 Olympics. But on the one hand, the ban on the hijab for athletes is said to be inconsistent with the IOC regulations and there is no warning to France against this.

In addition, the IOC ensures that there is no prohibition for women wearing hijab while in the athlete's guesthouse. While there, the participants were released to show religious and cultural identity.

"For the athlete's guesthouse, only the IOC regulations apply. There is no prohibition on using the hijab or symbols of religion and culture," said the IOC.