Skin Pores Cannot be Changed, Here Are 6 Tips to Make Them Look Smaller
YOGYAKARTA – Shrinking skin pores seems to require good care and routine. It is important to know that skin pores are connected to hair follicles which also contain sebaceous oil or sweat glands. These small holes, which we know as pores, allow sebum to reach the surface of the skin. Of course, this functions to moisturize by sweating. So can pores be shrunk?
It seems that many people like small skin pores so that their appearance looks smooth. However, pore size is related to genetic conditions, age, skin type, and the amount of sun exposure. According to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Calvin Williams as reported by Healthline, Wednesday, August 7, skin pores may appear more prominent if the sebaceous glands grow or are filled with dirt. Pores also cannot be completely changed in size. It's just that you can minimize the appearance of skin pores with the following tips.
1. Don't rub your skin
A gentle approach is important in caring for your skin. Avoid squeezing, rubbing, or picking at your pores. This aggressive action will not help shrink pores. It can even cause injury and irritation.
2. Use the right skincare products
Starting a regular skincare routine is one way to help pores appear smaller. Choose products labeled "noncomedogenic". Usually products with this label will not clog pores. To choose a moisturizer, look for a light, water-based formula.
3. Routinely cleanse your skin
Routine does not mean you have to cleanse your skin too often. Just cleanse in the morning before starting your activities and before going to bed at night. According to board-certified dermatologist Susanne Friedler, clean pores will always appear smaller. When washing, you can use warm water, this helps reduce irritation. Don't forget, avoid rubbing your face which causes inflammation and makes pores more visible.
4. Exfoliate regularly
Oil and dead skin cells can easily build up and fill pores. These clogged pores are what cause acne. Acne makes the skin surface inflamed and the pores are clearly visible. So, to completely remove the buildup in the pores, exfoliate regularly. Choose to use an exfoliator that suits your skin type. For example, it contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA).
5. Wear sunscreen every day
Sunscreen prevents skin damage from sun exposure. It also prevents the appearance of dark spots and reduces the risk of skin cancer. In addition to these two things, sun exposure also makes pores more visible. So applying sunscreen every morning before activities is important. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 whatever the weather.
6. Use makeup products labeled noncomedogenic
In addition to using moisturizers and skincare labeled noncomedogenic, it is also important to wear makeup with the same label. Also avoid makeup that can dry out or irritate the skin, such as makeup that contains alcohol and fragrances. Try a matte makeup formula and avoid shiny products to minimize the appearance of skin pores.
That's how to improve the appearance of skin pores. In addition to the above methods, beauty clinics also offer treatments such as lasers, chemical peels, or the use of microneedles. Each treatment chosen, of course, must be adjusted to each individual's needs.