Arina Winarto Ready To Withdraw Report From BCL's Husband, Tiko Aryawardhana Pays IDR 20 Billion

JAKARTA - The case of alleged embezzlement of Rp6.9 billion in funds allegedly committed by Tiko Aryawardhana is still ongoing at the South Jakarta Metro Police.

The attorney for Bunga Citra Lestari's husband, Soepriyadi, said that Arina Winarto submitted a peace requirement to her client, namely asking Tiko for Rp20 billion.

"They (Arina Winarto) want to make peace with our client (Tiko Aryawardhana) but the condition is Rp. 20 billion," said Soepriyadi at the South Jakarta Police, Tuesday, August 6.

Knowing this, Soepriyadi felt that the number requested by Arina Winarto was unreasonable and far from the number reported.

"Even that's a figure of Rp. 20 billion, we don't know where the figure came from. In fact, only Rp. 6.9 billion was reported and they demanded Rp. 20 billion, where do you think the calculation came from?" he said again.

This ultimately forced Tiko Aryawardhana to report his ex-wife back to the authorities for alleged extortion.

"Because the numbers don't make sense, that's why we made a report to the police, precisely at Polda Metro Jaya, regarding extortion," he said.

Even so, Soepriyadi hopes that later this problem will end in peace. He said that Tiko was still opening the door to peace for Arina.

"We hope this issue will be resolved here. The door of peace is still wide open but the frequency must be the same," he explained.

"It's not only Pak Tiko who wants to make peace, Arina must also want to make peace. This is also a former husband and wife. We hope this is finished here, it will be finished well," he said.