Hambalang And Meikarta Are More Appropriate To Enter PSN Than PIK 2 And BSD

President Joko Widodo has determined the PIK 2 and BSD areas to be the 2024 National Strategic Project (PSN). Although they do not use the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN), PT PANI and PT BSDE are said to still receive their own privileges.

The share price of PT PANI and PT BSDE rose after the government announced the determination of a new PSN. In the notes, in the first session of trading, Monday, March 25, 2024, PANI's share price rose 3.76 percent to Rp5,525 per share. Prices jumped quite sharply in the past week from Rp5,100 per share on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Likewise, BSDE's share price rose 3 percent to Rp1,010 per share compared to the previous week, which was in the range of Rp950 per share.

In addition to the increase in shares, PT PANI and PT BSDE based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 42 of 2021, also get other civil servants such as ease of licensing and solving legal problems. Regarding ease of licensing, Article 4 Point g, it is stated that the government through relevant stakeholders must facilitate the resolution of problems in business licensing and land acquisition of PSN. Then Article 5 Paragraph 2 supports the statement by explaining that business licensing for activities that are included in high risk must be accelerated.

Meanwhile, if a problem or dispute arises that is brought to legal action, the PSN project will have the ease of legal resolution. In the event that there are reports of funds or complaints from the public to ministers/heads of institutions, governors, or regents/mayors as implementers of the National Strategic Project or to the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia or the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia regarding irregularities or abuse of authority in the implementation of the National Strategic Project, the settlement is carried out by prioritizing the administrative process in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of government administration, write Article 46 Paragraph 1.

Then in Paragraph 2, the Prosecutor's Office or the National Police who receive the report needs to convey this to the Minister or Regional Head to examine the complaint no later than 5 days after the report is received. If indications of abuse of authority are found, the relevant ministers or regional heads ask the government's internal control apparatus (APIP) to carry out a maximum examination of 30 working days according to Article 46 Paragraph 4.

Wrong Use Of Authority

This abuse of authority consists of administrative errors that do not cause state losses, administrative errors that cause state losses, and non-administrative crimes.

This privilege has received criticism from the former Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs, Muhamad Said Didu, who highlighted the rise of land acquisition disputes for the expansion of PIK 2. However, the Legal Team for the developer of PSN 2024 PIK 2, Muannas Alaidid emphasized that the development carried out by PIK 2 did not harm residents because land acquisition was in accordance with the agreement between PIK 2 developers and residents or the community.

"PIK 2 also does not force mass disbursement because the land of the people in question is owned by good faith through buying and selling between residents or the community and the PIK 2 developer in accordance with the Land/Agrarian Law," he said.

He explained that the purchase of land was carried out at a reasonable and appropriate price. Compensation for land acquisition has been received by residents or the community completely so that the community is willing to release the land to PIK 2 developers without intimidation.

Meanwhile, the Consultant for the Supreme Law of the Sedayu Group, Haris Azhar, said that the land acquired by PIK 2 was not entirely part of PSN. Apart from being in the name of PSN, there are also pure land acquisitions on behalf of the private sector, namely Agung Sedayu and Salim Group.

"I found out independently to the government structure in Banten. What is said to be PSN, which he said was given to PIK, was only 1,700 hectares. Some of the land that entered PSN belonged to Perhutani which was ordered to PIK 2 to be greened again," he said.

The function of the PSN.

On the other hand, a public policy observer from Trisakti University, Trubus Rahadiansyah, assessed that it would be wiser for the government to include and establish stalled projects such as Hambalang and Meikarta as PSN 2024.

According to him, the development of PIK 2 and BSD has been worked on by private companies, while the Hambalang project is still neglected until now due to corruption cases. In addition, PSN is more of a populist project or for the benefit of many people and not just an elite group. In addition, projects that are not yet running yet.

My view, why not Hambalang only be used as PSN, which is stalled. Hambalang has spent a lot of money. In September 2013, BPK revealed that state losses due to this project reached Rp463.67 billion. Continued. It's at least working," he said.

Trubus also questioned the BSD area which has been inhabited by many residents. He questioned whether so far the private parties who have been developers have had difficulties in dealing with the surrounding communities to relinquish their land rights. If the government really wants to participate in the development of PIK 2 and BSD, it should have come from the start. This has become something. Why BSD," he added.

Therefore, he also recommended the Meikarta project, which is also unclear in the end, until now it has entered PSN rather than BSD. "Why not Meikarta? Many people have been sacrificed, why isn't the government there?" he said.

Trubus emphasized that the Meikarta project in South Cikarang, Lippo Group's Bekasi Regency could be continued by the government. This project will be more strategic to be used as PSN because it is close to infrastructure towards Java.

"The public interest is already visible, because there are so many people whose terms are laid off by the developer. But how come there are BSDs that make the public a bit surprised. BSD has had no problems so far," he said.

Government Asked To Be More Selective And Transparent

City planning observer Nirwono Yoga agrees that stalled projects such as Meikarta are more worthy of entering PSN than PIK 2 and BSD. This is because PIK 2 and BSD can be developed independently by the private sector without special assistance from the government.

"Even these two locations are good examples of how private developers can properly build city areas without the help of government support," he said.

"Considering PIK and BSD, the Meikarta project, which until now has not been completed, should be assisted by the government by being designated as PSN. The government must be more selective and transparent and fair in establishing the region as PSN with careful consideration and providing direct benefits to the community," continued Nirwono.

Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PKS faction, Mulyanto, admitted that the entry of the BSD and PIK 2 areas to PSN left an odd impression. According to him, through the determination of PSN, Jokowi tried to make it easier for Aguan and Franky to accelerate the development of the two elite residential areas.

Politically, this is just a reward to the conglomerates who have been considered to be helping in the IKN development project. Moreover, Aguan and Franky, we know that they have a big role to play than other conglomerates," he said.

He said, by being designated as PSN, PIK 2 and BSD would be easier to speed up. Because Jokowi endorsed, the two projects will get a lot of convenience, both in the form of licensing, AMDAL documents, regulations, fiscals, and non-fiscals.