Jabat Wamenkeu, Thomas Djiwandono Calls The Learning Event Manages State Money

Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) II Thomas Djiwandono said the position currently held is an effort to learn how to manage state finances during the transition period of the new government.

For your information, Thomas officially served as Deputy Minister of Finance II, after being inaugurated by President Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday, July 18.

"Maybe I can say I entered the Ministry of Finance to learn from ladies and gentlemen so that governance can be better," said Thomas at the Ministry of Finance's KPIP seminar, Tuesday, August 6.

Prior to serving as Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) II, Thomas was an official from the Gerindra political party and gained experience in prioritizing public information disclosure when he became a general treasurer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think I know, before I was at the Ministry of Finance, I was one of the party officials, in this case, Gerindra. Gerindra at that time prioritized public openness," he said.

Thomas said that the Gerindra Party at that time also collaborated with the Central Information Commission (KIP) to maintain information disclosure because it could be an important support for political parties.

"We also worked with KIP and so on and so on to follow the same things. I personally see that it is extraordinaryly important for political parties," he said.

He said maintaining information disclosure is an important part of administering government and there is a difference in the level between information presented at the government and political parties level.

"At Gerindra, we are only at the level of the DPP (Central Leadership Council), at the Ministry of Finance to the lower level. This is something extraordinary," he explained.

According to Thomas, Information and Documentation Management Officers (PPID) are frontline troops who interact with the community with extraordinary work.

"So, once again I thank and respect the PPID officials of the Ministry of Finance who have done this extraordinary job," he said.

With disclosure of information, said Thomas, public trust can support economic growth through the investment side because the big enemy of investment is uncertainty.

"The big investment enemy is uncertainty. Public information disclosure plays a role in suppressing uncertainty in investment," he said.

Thomas said, with more certainty, it can encourage investment to grow, create new jobs, and encourage purchasing power to increase, thereby reducing poverty.