Lisa Yani, The Wife Who Cut Her Husband In Muba Was Sentenced To More Than 3 Years

PALEMBANG - The Panel of Judges at the District Court (PN) Musi Banyuasin (Muba), South Sumatra, sentenced the defendant Lisa Yani to three years in prison in a case of domestic violence (KDRT) cutting her husband's genitals."The defendant Lisa Yani was legally and convincingly proven guilty of the crime of assaulting the victim with serious injuries. Sentencing the defendant to imprisonment for three years and three months in prison," said Chief Justice Silvi Ariani in a trial held at the Musi Banyuasin District Court (Muba), Antara, Tuesday, August 6.After reading the results of the verdict of the panel of judges at the Musi Banyuasin District Court, the defendant and the prosecutor asked directly the defendant regarding the decision. The defendant Lisa Yani took a stand accepting the decision of the panel of judges, but the Public Prosecutor's Office Muba expressed his thoughts.Previously, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Musi Banyuasin District Attorney (Muba), South Sumatra charged the defendant Lisa Yani with three years and six months in prison in the case of domestic violence (KDRT) wife of husband cut sex."Declaring that the defendant Lisa Yani is legally proven guilty of violating Article 44 paragraph 2 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence," said the Public Prosecutor.He sentenced the defendant to three years and six months in prison. The prosecutor assessed that the aggravating thing for the defendant was to make the victim, namely that the husband became seriously disabled and could not return to normal.However, the mitigating factor for the defendant was that the two parties between the victim and the defendant had reconciled and there was a peace letter signed by the victim.Then the status of this victim is still husband and wife with the defendant and the last time the defendant had a small child who still needed a defendant figure. After hearing the demands from the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Muba panel of hearts gave the defendant the opportunity to submit a pledoi.
"I have a noble son, I beg you to lighten my sentence from the prosecutor's demands," said the defendant.