KPK Estate Check 12 Witnesses In The Corruption Case Of The North Lombok Tsunami Shelter Project At BPKP NTB

JAKARTA - Investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continue to investigate the alleged corruption case of the tsunami shelter construction project in the Bangsal Port area, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto said investigators are targeting the examination of 12 witnesses in a day related to the investigation of this case. The examination was carried out at the NTB Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) office on Jalan Majapahit, Mataram City.

"Yes, the witness examination today is finished today. Will there be another examination tomorrow? We haven't received any information yet," he said via text message, Tuesday, August 6, confiscated by Antara.

As of 15.00 WITA, Tuesday, August 6, the examination of witnesses by KPK investigators was still running in one of the rooms of the NTB BPKP Office. A number of witnesses were observed leaving the NTB BPKP Office.

However, when confirmed, the witness refused to provide information. The witness in the uniform of the government service only admitted that he came from the BPBD of the NTB Provincial Government.

According to information from the KPK, as many as 12 witnesses underwent examination, namely the project commitment-making official (PPK) with the initials AN, then from the construction management consultant with the initials DJI, WP, and SKM.

Furthermore, from the working group (pokja) as many as four people with the initials DJM as chairman, AH as secretary, as well as members of IRH and IJ who also served as secretary of the work inspection committee team (PPHP).

Apart from IJ, there was also a PPHP team who underwent an examination with the initials YS as the Head of the PPHP Team along with three members with the initials SHT, MS, and KS.

Regarding the information about one of the witnesses who underwent an examination at the NTB BPKP Office as a suspect, Tessa refused to respond to the question.

"The mention of the suspect's name in accordance with the institution's (KPK) policy will be conveyed at the time the person concerned (the suspect) is detained. So, the question cannot be answered," he said.

There Are Already 2 Suspects

In handling the alleged corruption case of the tsunami shelter construction project located in the NTB Provincial Building and Environmental Planning Task Force, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) in 2014, KPK investigators have named two suspects.

Although they have not disclosed their complete identities, the KPK has conveyed that the two suspects are state administrators and also project implementers from among SOEs.

State financial losses that emerged from this investigation reached Rp. 19 billion. The loss figure was announced by the KPK together with the determination of the suspect.

The work on the tsunami shelter construction project in North Lombok is under the NTB Building and Environmental Planning Work Unit (PBL) at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

The project was carried out in August 2014 by PT Waskita Karya with a budget of IDR 21 billion sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

The building project with a plan to accommodate 3.000 people was revealed to have entered the NTB Regional Police until the investigation stage in 2015.

At that stage, the police also checked with construction experts from the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Surabaya.

Dari hasil penyelidikan, Polda NTB pada tahun 2016 melakukan gelar perkara dan menyatakan tidak melanjutkan proses hukum dari dugaan korupsi yang muncul dalam pekerjaan proyek tersebut.

Furthermore, in July 2017, it was recorded that PUPR submitted the results of the temporary evacuation building work to the North Lombok Regency Government.

About 1 year after the handover of the work, an earthquake occurred on the island of Lombok. The building was also affected by severe damage.