Carolina Marin And Broken Heart Fernando Rivas

Carolina Marin fell to the floor after trying to return the ball with his right hand.

He then netted in pain, holding his knee. Marin coach Fernando Rivas, looked worried, immediately rushed to help.

Coach He Bing Jiao who became the opponent, Xia Xuanze, was also anxious. He urged his students to check if Marin was okay.

Rivas seemed to be talking to Marin who couldn't help but feel the pain. Tears broke out.

Initial suspicion, his ACL injury recurred. The medical team came in to provide a response that made Marin continue the match with a knee support.

However, after two long rallies he returned to his knees. His tears were inevitable.

"He looked at me and said, 'It's shattered'. It's a feeling he knows. If he told me that, then that's true," Rivas said on the BWF website.

Marin then got up, but did not continue the match. He decided to withdraw in the middle of the second semifinals of the 2024 Paris Olympics, Sunday, August 4, 2024.

In fact, the situation is currently benefiting the Spanish badminton player. Marin was 10-8 ahead when he chose to quit.

He has also secured the first set with a score of 21-14. The move to the final is a little more. His dream of winning the second Olympic gold medal was in sight.

However, her knee injury broke all Marin's dreams. Rivas was heartbroken to see the tears of his students who failed to fulfill his dream and endure pain.

"This is more than just a sport. I have coached Carolina for 16 years. So, she is like my own daughter. I am injured more than just badminton. This (badminton) is the least important thing right now," said Rivas.

After a few minutes of treatment, surrounded by his team and He Bing Jiao, the sobbing Marin refused a wheelchair offer.

He limped out of the arena and left the place an hour later with a crew, with a bond in his right knee.

"It's unfair to him. He's a fighter and he has worked very hard to get back to world-class levels," said Rivas.

Rivas understands very well how Marin's character, who always has a great determination to make dreams come true.

The problem is, the 2024 Paris Olympics could be his last chance because he will turn 35 at the 2028 Olympics.

However, Rivas still puts pride in the 31-year-old badminton player's struggle.

"He's very healthy, he's in top shape, he's really determined to win a gold medal."

"I'm really proud of his journey, his determination, his toughness. I'm sure he doesn't feel like that now, but he will feel proud of himself in the future."

"I feel very sad about this. He told me he had a problem with his ankle and still managed to win (the previous game). I hope he will recover quickly and return to play again," said Rivas again.

Carolina Marin has won the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic gold medal.

The world number four badminton player is indeed haunted by two ACL injuries that have threatened his career since winning the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics.