Projo Ready To Move Organizational Machines Win Ridwan Kamil In The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election

JAKARTA - Pro Jokowi Volunteers (Projo) are ready to move the engine of the organization in 267 urban villages in Jakarta to win the future governor candidate for Jakarta, Ridwan Kamil (RK). The Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) will most likely carry RK in the Jakarta gubernatorial election after the Golkar Party recommends RK to run in Jakarta and support Dedi Mulyadi in the West Java gubernatorial election.

"We will support and move Projo machines in 267 DKI sub-districts and 44 sub-districts to win RK," said the General Treasurer of Projo, Panel Barus, at the DPP Projo office, Pancoran, Jakarta, Saturday, August 3.

"The defense has never won in Jakarta. The second variable, in Jakarta, candidates who are favored in the survey usually do not win. Those are two important variables in Jakarta," he said.

"For evidence? In 2012, who is superior in the survey? Foke (Fauzi Bowo). The winner? Jokowi. In 2017, who was superior in the survey? Ahok. The winner? Anies. So, those who excel in the survey usually don't win. Well, in 2024 it might be like that again. That's why Projo is optimistic about Ridwan Kamil," the Panel added.

Furthermore, the Panel said Projo would run with the Forward Indonesia Coalition (KIM) in supporting and winning the regional head pair in the 2024 Pilkada. Projo, he said, was not afraid to fight anyone in the Jakarta gubernatorial election, including if the PDIP formed its own axis.

"From the start, we have consistently supported RK, we are waiting for PDIP friends to prepare for the match," concluded the Panel.

Projo, said the Panel, is optimistic that RK will win in the Jakarta gubernatorial election, including if it has to fight the incumbent candidate, Anies Baswedan. The reason is, in the history of the last three periods of Jakarta gubernatorial election, incumbents have always lost.