PLN Already Takes Advantage Of 1.45 Million TonS OF FABA PLTU To Semester I-2024

PT PLN (Persero) managed to utilize 1,450,840 tons of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA) or the ash from the coal burning process in 47 units of Steam Power Plants (PLTU) spread throughout the country until the first semester of 2024.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo revealed that this step to utilize FABA is a manifestation of the application of the principle of Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG).

The hope is that the use of FABA can be wider. Not only preserving the environment, but also encouraging the community's economy.

"Through FABA, the presence of PLN plants can not only be a source of electricity, but also capable of being the basic material that protects and preserves the environment and drives the economy in the community," he said in a written statement, Saturday, August 3.

Darmawan said that currently FABA can be used for various benefits for the community. Meanwhile, FABA is used as a subgrade for the stabilization of selected piles, the substitution of cement raw materials, Ready Mix, mining acid prevention material, paving, the manufacture of bricks, cansteen, U Ditch, fertilizers, tetrapod, concrete roads, planting media and others.

"FABA used to be seen as waste that had no economic value. However, now PLN has succeeded in innovating and turning it into a product that is rich in benefits in supporting national infrastructure development," said Darmawan.

He also explained some of the benefits of FABA. Such as being able to increase the power (pH) of the ground, preventing abrasion in coastal areas, becoming plant fertilizer, a mixture of concrete, road hardening materials to the construction of bricks which are now being used for the construction of distribution substations.

Darmawan claims that the use of PLN Group's FABA has continued to increase since FABA was designated as Non-B3 Waste. It is known that the highest utilization occurred in 2023, namely 3.716 million tons or 123 percent of the 2023 FABA production.

"So, it can reduce the number of FABA stored in Ashyard. The use of FABA refers to Technical Details Documents that are integrated in the PLTU Environmental Approval," he said.

According to Darmawan, FABA can now be used by the wider community and his party opens opportunities for all people who want to use FABA as a high-purpose product, both as a mixture in the construction and infrastructure industries.

"PLN is open to the public if they want to participate in utilizing FABA. FABA is a safe material so that it can be processed and provide many benefits," he concluded.