Pelni Asks For Passenger Transportation Dispensation Of Up To 150 Percent Of Ship Capacity

PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) has requested a passenger transport dispensation of up to 150 percent of the ship's capacity to the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), so that it is more effective in helping to support public accessibility.

"We ask the Ministry of Transportation to be exact for passenger dispensation of 150 percent of the maximum capacity of the ship," said President Director of PT Pelni Tri Andayani in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, August 3.

The woman who is familiarly called you mentioned that currently the trend of public interest in using sea transportation is very high, so she hopes that there will be a transportation dispensation from the Ministry of Transportation.

According to him, the increasing public interest in using ship transportation modes is in line with the recovery of community mobility after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Because the number of requests or demands of the community to travel by sea transportation is currently very large or very high," he said.

He said the number of passengers before the COVID-19 pandemic was recorded at approximately 5.4 million in one year. Then at the end of 2023 Pelni recorded the number of passengers, as many as 5.3 million people.

"In the first semester of 2024, our passengers have totaled 2.6 million passengers. I will project that later at the end of 2024 it can reach 5.4 to 5.5 million passengers," he said.

You are optimistic that the number of Pelni passengers will continue to rise, especially in the future there will be momentum for the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year holidays.

"Because we look forward to Nataru at the end of the year. Then we also see the trend of the public's request to travel by sea transportation is currently very large," you said.

You added that currently it has 32 fleets, and 26 of them are passenger ships with various capacities, namely 3,000 people, 2,000 people, 1,000 people, to the smallest load of 500 people.

In addition, Pelni also operates 50 ships belonging to the Ministry of Transportation consisting of pioneer ships, redeems, livestock, and several sea toll ships.

"The Pelni Branch Office from Sabang to Merauke or from Rote to Miangas amounts to 44 branches with 306 terminal points," he said.

All Pelni ships oversee more than 306 ports, both the port managed by Pelindo and by the KUPP (Public Administrators Unit).

"The role of Pelni itself is a state-owned company engaged in transportation shipping. Currently the only company that owns passenger transportation. Where 100 percent of the shares belong to the government," you said.