Due To Disturbing Concerns About Focus, Do You Know How To Be More Relaxed?

YOGYAKARTA Concerns are often felt when facing an unexpected situation. Sometimes when it comes to presenting or preparing tomorrow's plan, worry also often passes. So is this worry a bad sign? According to psychotherapist Jennifer Gerlach, LSCW., trying hard not to worry can be tiring. But being trapped in reflection also makes us lose the opportunity.

Gerlach proposes a style without worries, at least limiting anxiety that makes us not focus on dealing with important things. Concerns can be lowered to a planning list in dealing with the situation going forward. Well, when trying to manage worry to be right in the space, you can do the Gerlach recommendation method reported by Psychology Today, Friday, August 2 below.

Research shows the way we hold our bodies affects our feelings. Research in 2010, found by posing full power' to encourage self-confidence and even affect biological markers. Gerlach recommendations, wear soothing clothes. Because clothes that touch the body directly and when you wear them that are comfortable, the body will feel comfortable too.

Either exercise, swimming, or traveling in the park, is associated with pleasure. Anxiety that comes to worrying moments symbolizes energy. With exercise, energy is channeled to the most appropriate activity. Gerlach does not suggest eliminating anxiety. But taking advantage of physical aspects and giving space for anxiety to flow properly.

You can do certain activities to train full attention to the current situation. For example, take the afternoon to sit on the terrace of the house with lavender tea in front of you. In addition to training Indra to smell by capturing the calming aroma of lavender flowers, you also train full attention. This exercise symbolizes relaxation that can be taken in ways that are fun in nature.

Although the above method does not exclude anxiety from worrying moments, the steps above help to embrace themselves.