3 KM Niki Fire Victims In The Java Sea Experience Stroke To Respiratory Disorders

SOUTH KALIMANTAN - At least three victims of the KM Niki Sejahtera fire incident while sailing in the waters of Masalembo, Java Sea, were referred to a hospital (RS) in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Kalsel).

The Korba were referred because they had serious health problems and had to receive intensive care by the medical team at a more capable hospital.

"There was one passenger experiencing respiratory problems, one passenger had a minor stroke and one crew member suffered 10 percent burns," said Director of Polairud Polda South Kalimantan Kombes Pol Andi Adnan Syafruddin in Banjarmasin, Friday, August 2, confiscated by Antara.

Two victims were taken to TPT Hospital Dr. R. Soeharsono Banjarmasin and the other to Ansyari Saleh Hospital, Banjarmasin.

Andi said his personnel were escorting the evacuation of all victims, including those with health problems upon arrival at Trisakti Port, Banjarmasin, on Friday afternoon.

"After receiving the report, we deployed SAR team personnel and the gakkum led by the Head of Sub-Directorate of Gakkum Ditpolairud Polda South Kalimantan AKBP Jeremyas Putranto to join Basarnas using KM Laksmana 421 to intercept the Bakamla ship carrying the victims," he said.

Regarding the investigation, Ditpolairud is still coordinating with the Banjarmasin Class 1 Portmaster and Port Authority Office (KSOP), South Kalimantan to request information from the crew.

"Temporary information obtained by the fire appeared on the car deck part of the ship, namely the passenger's car," said Andi.

KM Niki Sejahtera caught fire while carrying out a voyage from Surabaya, East Java to Banjarmasin on Thursday, August 1.

The ship with a length of 131 meters and a tonnage of 9982 GT carried 44 crew members and 81 passengers.

The other cargo consisted of nine tronton trucks, 26 large trucks, seven small trucks, six private cars, four motorbikes and five 3B class tosa.

All passengers and crew of the ship were evacuated by KN Sea Lion - 402 belonging to the Maritime Security Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Bakamla RI) who carried out patrols around the location.