Police Arrest Kidnapped Child Mode 'Mama Accident'

JAKARTA - The junior high school (SMP) student with the initials S became a victim of kidnapping and handling the 'Mama Kecelakaan' mode. The police moved quickly and were able to catch the culprit.

"The FA suspect has been arrested," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Friday, August 2.

The suspect's action began when victim S entered the school area in the West Jakarta area, Thursday, July 25. Then, the FA also entered and asked one of the school employees to call the victim with an alibi to convey important information.

"Please call the child 'I want to convey that his mother had an accident'. The victim came with an explanation that your mother had an accident," he said.

The suspect's strategy was successful. S, who panicked, then asked him to take him to his mother's location.

The suspect pretended to be willing to help. Both of them went to the location of the suspect's essay.

Arriving at the People's Goods Bridge (JPO) opposite the DPR/MPR, the suspect launched his action. The victim was pointed at with a sharp weapon and asked to hand over all his property.

"Arriving at the location, the victim was abused, threatened by using the suspect's kater to his neck, then the victim tried to fight back so he fell," he said.

"Then the victim's hair was stepped on, the victim's mouth was smothered, then the victim's belongings were taken, including cellphones, rings and earrings," continued Ade.

After successfully strengthening the victim's property, the suspect immediately fled. Meanwhile, the victim, who is still a student, could only be silent because he was shocked by the incident that happened to him.

Until finally, the victim and his family made a police report. Based on the report, the suspect was arrested about a week after the incident.

The suspect was arrested at his boarding house in the Hillir Dam area, Central Jakarta. In the arrest process, the FA is said to have not fought back.

"So the suspect was arrested Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 00.45 by the Jatanras sub-directorate at a boarding house in the Inner Clearing area, Hilir Dam, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta," said Ade.

Currently, the kidnapping and detention of the'mama accident' mode is still being developed. This is because the police believe there are other victims.

In this case, the suspect is suspected of Article 365 of the Criminal Code regarding violent theft