Minister Teten: Indonesian MSMEs Have Extraordinary Resilience

JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said that Indonesian MSMEs have extraordinary resilience or resilience.

The reason is, when facing various crises, Indonesian MSMEs are able to survive and appear victorious.

"I have a lot of reports in the world, our MSMEs have extraordinary resilience or durability. Facing various crises, they can appear victorious," said Teten when opening the Indonesia Clothing Summit 2024 event at the Smesco Indonesia Building, Jakarta, Thursday, August 1.

Teten said, when facing the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesian MSMEs were also able to be a savior for the textile industry. This is because MSMEs in the fashion sector and clothes cooperate with the textile industry in the country.

"Lastly, we faced COVID-19, remember, yes, we in fashion products, clothing, we collaborated with textile associations. In fact, at that time, MSMEs were able to save the textile industry, which could absorb their textile products. So, we can sell into finished products with friends," he said.

According to Teten, this is one of the extraordinary economic capital, in which Indonesia has a large number of MSMEs and has the ability to adapt to economic and world changes.

"And including I think today we have also succeeded, yes, together with friends to encourage the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) to tighten the flow of goods, yes, especially consumer goods," he said.